* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

As Christmas approaches, there are more and more Catalan regions that wake up in the morning to their below-zero landscapes. Frost and frost in fields, gardens and roads, with cars covered with ice on the windshield in cities and towns, as seen in this photographic exhibition in La Vanguardia’s Readers’ Photos.

We woke up to temperatures between 3 and -3°C in Sant Fost de Campsentelles, depending on the neighborhood. Today it was time to remove the ice from the car glass.

Now, to be in the last stretch of the month of December, this fall has not been cold at all. Reviewing the data from Mas Llombart we count 1 day in November and 3 in December where temperatures remain below 3°C.

Meteorologically disastrous autumn with lack of rain and cold. We have a third of the precipitation if we compare data since 2012.

These photographs are of the vineyards next to the neighborhood of Can Coromines in Sant Fost de Campsentelles, at the foot of the La Roca road.

Today it does honor the popular proverb: “December arrived, put on seven layers in one fold”. Or, in Spanish, “en diciembre el frío se siente.”

In this series of photographs we can see the frost the last two days in the region of Osona, with images of the fields of Manlleu, around the sanctuary of Puig-agut, Torelló and Sant Pere de Torelló, with cold (it can be seen in los windshields) in the Christmas carol song and with Christmas already on top.

The minimum temperature we have had in Altet, in Urgell, has been 1.0 °C. The maximum temperature, 10.9 °C. I took these photographs yesterday in a shady area at two in the afternoon.

Temperature below -0 in Cardona, in Bages, this Sunday, as seen in the effects of the frost on the vegetation.