Bad news for fans of Enrique Pastor, the charismatic councilor of the City Council in La que se cerca: José Luis Gil will not return to the world of acting. The daughter of the actor who plays this endearing character has updated the press on the state of her father’s health and the forecasts are not too good.

“I don’t think my father can return to television,” the young woman acknowledged in an interview for Pronto magazine. This response is a bucket of cold water for those who longed to see him on screen again, but apparently José Luis Gil suffers from serious communication problems due to the stroke he suffered a couple of years ago.

“He is mobile, but he is not a very young man. My father recognizes everyone. If someone comes to see him, he knows who it is, he finds out everything, but he has problems communicating,” said his daughter Irene.

She has always remained positive on social networks, but this time it does not predict a good prognosis: “I don’t see it, but I hope I’m wrong and everything changes for the better in the future. Although the passage of time makes you lose hope.” She also added that they have “spoken with the neurologists and the rehabilitation center” and, although no one tells them “that there is nothing to do, they are not aiming for the situation to be fixed.”

The concern for José Luis Gil’s health does not remain only in the family, but there are many who maintain good memories of their partner and wish him the best. His great friend Pablo Chiapella, who plays Amador Rivas in La que se cerca, spoke at the Forqué awards this Saturday: “The latest news I have is that his health and energy are better, but his speech is to be more expensive. Let’s hope he gets over it. He’s a magnificent guy, dedicated, he’s always in a good mood. He’s an extraordinary guy.”