The master of our fragile and ephemeral glory on the social network formerly known as Twitter, Elon Musk, entrepreneurial visionary and heir to blood diamonds – entrepreneurship is the favorite recreational activity of two groups of humans: the firstborn to those who the pope finances companies that go bankrupt (so-called startups), as Pantomima Full’s viral portraits explain, and those who continue to work for others but pay social security – he went to meet with the Italian ultra-right and ‘he took a lot of selfies.

The viralization of these images on social networks (not only in the chaotic fallen kingdom of Musk, also on Instagram and Tik Tok) has caused a fall from the horse of the inhabitants of those digital counties who do not quite understand what is paints the man who refused to let the rockets land, as they had been doing for almost a century in science fiction films, at a meeting of proselytes from the Old Regime.

And yet, it makes perfect sense, even if explaining it forces us to talk about the Masters of Suspicion: Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche and Sigmund Freud. The tern and its baptism are the work of Paul Ricoeur, who postulated in the 1960s that, although seemingly distant from each other, they sent the world a common message: distrust the apparent because the world is governed by underground currents of sense that they hide from us. Without going into detail, which is not the subject of this essay, the result of his contributions points out that the only way to elucidate the world is to disdain the patent and believe in the government of the latent. Wisdom, perspicacity, became a profession of diving, since the truth lay in abysses inaccessible to the common man.

Like any successful cultural idea, the consequent simplification led to a commonplace that identifies intelligence with suspicion and cynicism. In other words, for those who have a superficial approach to complex matters, the latent acquired a supernatural prestige, while the patent was considered simple trompe-l’oeil. However, the reality is the opposite, the famous Ockham’s razor: the simplest explanation is usually the real one. Things are almost always what they seem.

Musk, like Iker Jimenez before him, applied the philosophy of suspicion to everything he didn’t understand – never for matters he mastered: Musk disbelieved in pharmaceutical science, but not in the physics of propulsion–, and so he embraced the silliest conspiracy theories. And as suspicion is the mother of mistrust and grandmother of fear, to follow the genealogy of angry populism, he ended up falling in love with the political philosophy of another who had not read a line of political philosophy, Donald Trump. The fateful destination of this journey, consisting of suspecting instead of reading, is a selfie with the new apostles of Benito Mussolini. The only good thing about this patent disaster is how simple the vaccine is. You just need to relax your chin and trust.