A family has denounced the treatment received by an elderly woman – 93 years old – and dependent by the General Hospital of Valencia. The victim’s nephews wanted to publicly denounce the events to the Levante-EMV newspaper. Apparently, the elderly woman was in the hospital “abandoned” on a stretcher in a hospital hallway and she was waiting for an ambulance to take her to her house for 6 hours. “The woman spent that entire waiting period urinating and not eating,” she details.

“A disaster, a total abandonment and a shame. You cannot have someone like that, lying in a hallway, urinating and without eating or drinking, waiting six hours. This is not a developing country. The health personnel tell us “She said that this was ‘normal’, that these waiting times are ‘usual’ but come on, she is a very old woman, a great dependent. This must be reported and it must be known,” the nephews of the injured woman have declared to the Valencian newspaper Levante-EMV, who, in addition, have provided a complaint and a photograph of the urinated stretcher where the woman was waiting.

According to the newspaper, the elderly woman’s caregiver accompanied the woman to the health center last Friday, December 15, when she had a wound on her leg, but there they decided to transfer her to the hospital “because she needed a couple of stitches.”

The woman was taken by ambulance to the General Hospital, however, the wheelchair with which the woman normally moves remained in the clinic. The problem arose after the elderly woman was treated for her injury. Apparently, the old woman spent “6 hours lying on a stretcher waiting for an ambulance, which never came for her.” “It was horrible because a lot of time passed and she was uncomfortable and unwell. She is very old. When I approached the counter to ask, they told me that it was normal, that the service is outsourced and they couldn’t do anything from the hospital, that there were people who Much more time had passed than us and we just had to wait. There was no solution. She was in a hallway lying on the stretcher and I was in the waiting room, coming and going,” the woman in charge of his care of Julia. Without the wheelchair, the caregiver was also unable to pick up the elderly woman and take her home. As the hours passed, the worker decided to call the closest family.

“I went to get the wheelchair from the health center and took it to the hospital, where I filed a complaint due to the lack of means and resources. It seems to me a scandal and a shame that the wait lasts for hours and is assumed as something normal. My sister, for her part, went straight to the hospital and when she lifted my aunt off the stretcher they realized that the woman was all wet. And without eating or drinking,” explained Rafael, the woman’s nephew. .