Good morning!

The lack of opportunities pushes hundreds of thousands of Spaniards to emigrate. This talent drain hampers productivity and puts the welfare state in difficulties. The low level of education is an added burden. And the result is that Spanish GDP per capita is 15% below the EU average.

Economy. Last year 400,000 Spaniards emigrated in search of a better life. The value of this loss of talent, according to a BBVA-Ivie study, is 150,000 million euros, 1% of GDP. The worst thing is that this quality emigration has increased by 40% since 2019.

Spain. Sánchez and Aragonés reinforce the dialogue between Spain and Catalonia. The President of the Government agrees to review financing, the Achilles heel of the entire Spanish territorial order.

Electoral pulse. The amnesty does not seem to take its toll on the PSOE, which is closing the gap with the PP, according to the latest CIS survey. The PP would obtain 33% of the votes today, while the PSOE would keep 31.8%.

Czechia. A student armed with an assault rifle yesterday killed 15 people and injured thirty at Charles University, located in the center of Prague.

Argentina. President Milei has presented a plan to privatize all public companies and deregulate the economy, especially exports. He assures that these ultraliberal measures will turn Argentina into a world power.

Technology. Yesterday Barcelona launched the MareNostrum 5, the most advanced computer in Europe. Its computing power will be invested, above all, in the development of artificial intelligence, a crucial area for the EU to enjoy more autonomy compared to China and the United States.

Childhood. The Spanish Church committed sexual abuse against 2,056 boys and girls, according to the audit carried out by the Cremades law firm

Juliette Binoche, actress. “If you are a mother, you have to cook.” Read it here.

Soccer. The fight between UEFA and the big clubs has only just begun. European justice establishes that UEFA does not have a monopoly on competitions, but the Super League must obtain the support of the clubs and, much more importantly, that of the fans. UEFA states that “nothing changes.”

Art. The L’Hospitalet Cultural District will add a new institution within two years, an art center that will house the collection of the La Caixa foundation. It will be called ArtStudio and, in addition to being a container for works, it will be a meeting and discussion point about art.

Music. A year ago, singer Céline Dion announced that she was stopping singing due to a neurological disease. Her health has worsened since then and she has lost control of her muscles.

Jason Hall-Spencer, oceanographer. “When the Suez Canal is emptied, tropical fish reach Barcelona.” Read it here.