In a dynamic educational and work context, where prepared professionals are required for rapid incorporation into companies, Vocational Training (FP) stands as a solid and effective option to be able to forge a successful career. FP offers practical preparation that is highly adapted to the needs of the labor market, which is why it has become a priority option among many young people.

Within FP there are also different training modalities that adapt to the needs of students. In this sense, the blended modality is an interesting option with great benefits for students.

From the ILERNA center, which has more than 50 years of experience, they explain that blended vocational training stands out as a choice that combines the best of online education and the best of face-to-face education. This sector-leading center offers more than 30 official cycles in various modalities, among which blended training stands out for its perfect fusion of flexibility, conciliation and quality training.

Firstly, the blended modality allows students to effectively reconcile their family and work responsibilities. With six hours of classes a week, students have the flexibility to adapt their learning to their schedule.

Students have the support and guidance of ILERNA teachers, thanks to personalized tutoring, and they share the closeness and support of the study environment and classmates of the in-person modality. Furthermore, training at ILERNA is distinguished by its practical approach, directly aligned with the demands of the labor market. Contents adapted to the reality of work guarantee that students develop the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in their future careers.

This quality training offer results in a high level of job placement, supported by more than 100,000 graduates.

ILERNA’s blended modality offers a series of benefits since it adapts to the needs and preferences of students. First, flexible hours allow students to balance their family responsibilities with their academic commitments.

By offering six hours per week at the centre, students have the opportunity to consolidate their knowledge acquired at home, thereby strengthening their understanding of key concepts. Additionally, the in-person environment facilitates networking and creating connections between classmates. The united group provides a space where students can resolve questions and collaborate, enriching the educational experience.

The blended modality gives students the flexibility to access the Virtual Campus at any time, promoting an autonomous learning approach. The blended system also promotes the capacity for self-learning, which provides students with greater autonomy in the management of their time and educational resources.

In-person classes not only offer social interaction, but also hands-on practice with cutting-edge materials and technology, ensuring students are familiar with tools relevant to their field.

Studying a VET cycle in blended mode at ILERNA is not only a practical choice, but an investment that guarantees access to the world of work, uniting the best of both worlds: online and in-person. With its diversified training offer, comprehensive support and a well-established network of professionals, ILERNA stands as the ideal bridge between academic training and the demands of the current labor market.