The Civil Guard has investigated two people aged 26 and 23, residents of Sant Esteve de Palautordera (Barcelona), as alleged perpetrators of crimes against road safety for doing push-ups and sit-ups on top of moving vehicles. The investigation began after a citizen notified the authorities of the existence of a video published on social networks where a person was seen doing gymnastics on the rear hood of a car while it was traveling on a conventional road.

Subsequently, the Benemérita managed to find two other videos with driving actions that could be alleged crimes against road safety. In one of them, a person, perched on the trunk of a car that is driving and with his legs hanging outside through a spoiler, performs physical exercise while another person records him from another vehicle.

In a third video, the driver of a motorcycle traveling on a conventional road performs sit-ups with his hands stretched between the gas tank and the bottom of the handlebars, while other vehicles travel in the opposite direction.

In the investigation process, the Benemérita was able to identify two of the roads where the videos were recorded: the BV-5119 at kilometer point 6’900, as it passes through the area called Costa del Montseny and at kilometer 7 of the BV-5301 (Refugis road).

Likewise, it was possible to identify the two alleged perpetrators, from whom statements were taken as being investigated for crimes against road safety.