The man who in May 2023, accompanied by his daughter and her husband, traveled from Ponferrada (León) to Valladolid to forcibly take his ex-wife, a victim of gender violence who was in a shelter apartment , has settled this Wednesday with a sentence of three years in prison, the same one that his other two accomplices have accepted for the crime of illegal detention.

The prosecutor in the case charged the ex-husband, Mariano J.B, with a crime of illegal detention and another of injuries in the area of ​​gender violence, with requests for six years in prison for the first and another year for the second, along with the measures prohibition on approaching and communicating with her for nine years.

For the daughter of the accused and the victim, Encarnación JR, as well as for her partner, José Ramón J.J, the public prosecution requested a six-year sentence for illegal detention and a fine of 540 euros for minor injuries, in addition to the measures of estrangement and communicating with the victim for six and a half years, according to what legal sources informed Europa Press.

This is the sentence of conformity reported by Europa Press that the three perpetrators of the aforementioned crime, residents of the aforementioned town in Bercia, have managed to seal with the prosecutor of the case minutes before the start of the trial that was scheduled to be held in the Valladolid Court. , and this after the tug-of-war between the defender and the defendants, initially reluctant to reach an agreement that would involve their imprisonment.

The trial was going to be held in the Fourth Criminal Section of the Valladolid Court, where the events recorded on May 9, 2023 were going to be reproduced, the date on which the National Police of Valladolid arrested the three accused for the illegal detention of a family member, a woman who lived in Ponferrada (León) with her husband and children but who was in a shelter in the capital of Pisuerga after denouncing her partner for mistreatment.

Thus, the three accused, Mariano J.B, his daughter Encarnación J.R. and her husband, José Ramón J.J, who faced an initial sentence of six years for illegal detention, with the aggravating factor of kinship, have seen their sentence reduced to three years by applying a mitigating circumstance relating to the release of the victim before 24 hours of retention.

In addition, Mariano J.B. He has been sentenced to 56 days of work for the benefit of the community for a crime of injuries in the area of ​​gender violence, and his daughter and her husband, as perpetrators of a crime of minor injuries, have also accepted the payment of a fine of 30 euros, instead of the 540 included in the prosecutor’s provisional qualification.

Furthermore, as a security measure, the victim’s ex-husband has assumed the prohibition of approaching and communicating with her for a period of five years in total, instead of the initial nine, which in the case of the other two convicted persons has remained. reduced to six months, compared to the six and a half years to which they were exposed.

The agreement also includes a possible compensation in favor of Sacyl (the health service of Castilla y León) for the expenses of assistance provided to the victim, who suffered various injuries as a result of the events.

Agents who were carrying out citizen security tasks were commissioned by the CIMACC Room 091 because a person reported that he had seen how a woman was forcibly introduced into a vehicle near a shopping center on Zamora Avenue, starting the march along said route.

Immediately, members of the National Police went out in search of the car and intercepted it on the A-62 highway, towards Palencia, at exit number 120. When they stopped the vehicle, a woman ran out who turned out to be the victim, whom he was grabbing. by the arm another woman.

The agents separated the two women and the victim stated that she had resided in a shelter in Valladolid since April 24, although she was from Ponferrada, where she lived with her husband and three children.

She had arrived at this new location after denouncing her husband for mistreatment for thirty years, something she had never done for her children and for fear of possible reprisals.

What had finally led her to report this situation was the fact that her children were of legal age, so she ended the relationship and contacted social services in Ponferrada, from where they referred her to the Red Cross and offered her a shelter apartment in Valladolid.

The illegal detention occurred when the victim had gone out for a walk with a roommate and when she was at the entrance to the Vallsur shopping center, on Zamora Avenue, she realized that her husband was a few meters away, so she tried to hide without success.

She then had a conversation with him, who was also accompanied by her daughter, her son-in-law and her granddaughter, and her partner tried to convince her to return with them.

As the victim refused their requests to return to the family home, the three of them forced her into the vehicle with the intention of taking her back to Ponferrada.