The eyes represent one of the parts of the cat’s body to which it is advisable to pay more attention, in order to identify any type of problem as soon as possible. Among the different cat diseases that are related to them is what is known as uveitis. This consists of inflammation of the uvea, that is, the vascular layer that covers the eye. It can occur only in one eye or even in both at the same time, and it can happen at any age.
It is important to intervene in a case of uveitis as soon as possible, since, due to the inflammation that occurs, it is also possible that parts of the eye such as the cornea, optic nerve or retina are affected. But how to identify it? Through its most common symptoms. A very common one has to do with the appearance of a tremor in the eyelid of the eye that has been affected, as well as the development of sensitivity to light or photophobia.
These symptoms are usually accompanied by aches and pains. Although the two ways in which uveitis is usually identified by feline owners is due to excessive tearing and also changes in the appearance of the eye, especially if a different appearance is seen that is reminiscent of a case of cataracts. . Given these signs, it is advisable to go to the veterinarian as soon as possible.
There are different causes behind a case of uveitis in cats. One of them has to do with an infection that could have been caused by both parasites and bacteria or even as a result of a virus. Another common reason in felines is related to diseases, such as leukemia or toxoplasmosis.
However, among the most common causes of uveitis among cats that have access to the outdoors are trauma. Often due to fights or confrontations suffered in front of other cats. When these are not treated properly, lesions may develop and eventually lead to a case of uveitis.
Once symptoms compatible with uveitis have been identified, or that are suspicious, and the cat has been taken to a veterinary center, the specialist will carry out a series of tests to confirm or not the diagnosis. If it is indeed uveitis, the treatment will focus on reducing the inflammation, as well as the pain and the rest of the symptoms. However, it will also be key to intervene in the origin or cause of uveitis. For example, ending the infection if this is the reason.