Cardiovascular diseases and cancer are behind one in every two deaths in our country. The two account for 51.6% of deaths in Spain, according to the latest data published by the National Institute of Statistics (INE), referring to 2021. More specifically, the group of diseases of the circulatory system remained the main cause , with 26.4% and a rate of almost 252 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, followed by tumors, with 25.2% and a rate of 240.

Among the most lethal cardiovascular diseases, experts highlight ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease and heart failure. While in the case of cancer, the most diagnosed types in Spain are breast, lung and prostate cancer. This health reality has a high personal, social and economic cost that once again highlights the importance of addressing all these pathologies from multiple fronts to reduce the burden posed by these two diseases.

In Spain, the cost to the National Health System of people with cardiovascular diseases is 9,000 million euros per year and 192,000 million in the European Union as a whole, as indicated by the Spanish Heart Foundation. Furthermore, the economic burden of cancer treatment is estimated at 12.1 billion annually, covering 10% of public health spending, according to the latest study by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the European Commission.

Faced with such a panorama, medical specialists highlight the relevance of uniting the health ecosystem around four pillars that would help, not only to reduce the impact of the two main causes of death in Spain, but also to improve the quality of life of patients. affected and their families. It is about putting all efforts into promoting prevention, advancing early diagnosis, promoting a multidisciplinary approach to diseases and betting on medical innovation.

Almost 80% of cardiovascular diseases could be avoided if we followed healthy lifestyle habits. Heart health specialists do not fail to highlight that most of the cardiovascular risk factors are known and modifiable, such as a sedentary lifestyle, with little physical exercise and a poor diet that triggers cholesterol levels. Obesity and tobacco and alcohol consumption are also often behind these diseases.

In the case of cancer, it is estimated that up to 50% of diagnoses can also be prevented with healthy lifestyle habits, the WHO points out. In fact, in the same way that we can take care of our heart, we are also limiting the appearance of some types of cancer. Exercising regularly or walking daily, following a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, not smoking and not drinking alcohol is in our hands.

Detecting any disease in its earliest stages is always a guarantee to address it in better conditions and even more so when no symptoms occur. Going to medical check-ups regularly and keeping track of the state of our health, taking into account risk factors such as the age or sex of the patient or other previous episodes in family members are among some of the main tools that work in favor of early diagnostic.

For example, in the case of cardiovascular diseases, we should always be alerted to having high cholesterol, which we should lower immediately with the guidelines given by our doctor; while, in some types of cancer, participating in screening programs is a way to achieve early detection, resort to less aggressive treatments and increase the chances of cure and survival. These programs take into account the profile of the patient who, in addition, does not present symptoms but may suffer from them.

In all these pathologies, the coordinated work of the primary care doctor, cardiology, oncology, radiology, nursing and hospital pharmacy specialists, among others, is required. Detection, treatment and subsequent follow-up should mark the multidisciplinary approach to these diseases. For example, patients with chronic conditions are a priority for all healthcare groups that operate in a multidisciplinary manner.

For medical experts, the patient must be at the center of the entire process, empowering themselves and assuming self-care. And in this aspect, specialized nursing during hospitalization and nursing dedicated to chronic patients in primary care also play a fundamental role. What’s more, addressing any disease from various fronts means that in recovery processes you can count on specialists such as physiotherapists and psychologists to face the treatment with better spirit.

Access to therapeutic innovation is essential to improve the lives of cardiovascular and oncology patients. Thanks to the commitment to research and the collaboration of public administrations, health professionals, patients and pharmaceutical companies, therapies have been introduced that significantly improve the lives of patients and their families.

For health specialists, it is vital that Spain continue working together so that those affected by a cardiovascular episode or a cancer diagnosis have access to therapeutic innovation as soon as possible. All of this without losing sight of each of the pillars that can lead us to change the trend regarding the causes of death in Spain and the world and manage to reduce that one in two.