eCommerce sellers are discovering the very viable white label options presented to them when it comes to increasing their product ranges. Making your own products by yourself or sourcing items from wholesalers can very quickly become very expensive. However, in recent years, purchasing and selling white label products has become a lot more mainstream. This is because manufacturing companies are opening their doors to smaller businesses that also want to take advantage of the products they can make.

Selling white label goods is not just about the potential cost saving involved for sellers wanting to increase their product ranges or, indeed, their sales figures; there are also other areas that really shouldn’t be sniffed at.

#1 White label products give your business a unique touch

It is likely that when you have been completing your product research, you have seen that there are a lot of sellers selling the same product and vying for the same customers. White label products can remove you from this loop by providing you with unique products to sell to your customers. This allows you to stand out from the crowd and offer a superior product that your potential customers will not be able to get anywhere else.

#2 How to source a white label product

There are quite a few different companies offering their products and services as white label goods. A good place to start your search is in business directories, as most will openly advertise this service. However, in order to get that bespoke product, you may want to approach local manufacturing companies directly to see if there is a manufacturing partnership on the horizon.

It is a good idea to see if you can view the manufacturing area while it is working so that you can get an idea of how your product could be produced and the various stages of build that it will go through. Having specialist machinery and manufacturing methods, such as roto mold technology, shown and explained to you will help you recognize the best places to seek a partnership.

#3 Be a part of the design and branding process

As you will not be looking at an off-the-shelf product, you can expect to be involved with the design and branding of the product before it goes into production. This is an ideal time to put your stamp on it and make it so that it looks remarkably different from your competitors’ products.

You could offer your customers a high-quality product, such as a rotomolded cooler Canada, that is designed to fit in with your current product range. If it also carries your brand name and colors it will not only prove to be desirable to buyers but will also provide them with a fully functional cooler that embraces longevity.

#4 Pricing white label products

It is easy to get caught up with how your competitors are pricing their goods, but you have to remember that with white label goods, you are creating something totally different. This means that the price you decide on will have to reflect the quality of the product and your brand. As stated above, your customers will not be able to purchase these products anywhere else (at least not with your brand name attached) so test the market before sticking to a price. You may find that those customers who are loyal to your brand are happy to pay that little bit more. This could be because they recognize the attention you pay to detail or the association they perceive with your brand.

#5 Launching your white label product

So, you have your new product range designed to your specifications. It looks different enough from your competitors to stand out amongst the crowd and exceeds the stringent quality standards that you want to be associated with your name. The next step is to launch it and make the biggest splash possible to create maximum interest and sales.

You may have to pull out all your marketing tools, as just having it creep onto the shelves is not going to announce its arrival in any shape or form. You want your potential customers to understand why it is so much better than any even vaguely similar products already on the market.

The best way to do this is to use social media and, in particular, the services of an influencer or two with large followings of people with a vested interest in making a purchase. Although this service is not going to be free, you will find that by securing the help of the right influencer, your sales will soar, and your business will gain more loyal customers.