The future of the automotive sector points to the electric car, mainly battery-powered, although some brands – very few – do not give up the fuel cell system powered by hydrogen (in Spain only two models are sold, the Hyundai Nexo and the Toyota Mirai) . Faced with the ban – with nuances – on the marketing of new internal combustion cars in Europe from 2035, car manufacturers have accelerated the development and launch of electric vehicles in recent years. However, its penetration into the market is proceeding more slowly than expected for various reasons. Its high price, limited autonomy and poor charging infrastructure are its main brakes.

Electric cars have generated a controversial debate in different areas. In fact, there are those who have stated that they are a hoax, partly because they claim that they are not as ecological as one might think, since they also pollute in their production phase and at the end of their life cycle (the issue of reuse and recycling of batteries). Without a doubt, numerous comments have been made about this type of automobile, some of which are hoaxes.

Given the doubts and confusion that this may generate, the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) has analyzed the most repeated ones and has come to the conclusion that 10 of the statements are not true and another five are not true at all. Below we present the fake news and half-truths that the aforementioned association has detected, expressed by both defenders and detractors of the electric car.

1. Batteries degrade quickly and have no warranty

Fake. Car batteries, like those of other devices, degrade over time and successive charges, which shortens autonomy. However, this degradation is not rapid. In fact, almost all vehicle manufacturers guarantee the life of their batteries with a degradation of less than 25% for 8 years or 160,000 kilometers.

2. There is very little offer of electric models to choose from

Fake. Yes, it is true that the offer is less than that of conventional cars, but it also does not stop growing, so that there are currently more than 100 models of electric cars for sale in Spain. Today, it is possible to purchase a car of this type of any type of category and brand.

3. Electric cars catch fire more easily

Fake. In electric vehicles the risk of fire is 10 times lower than that of a gasoline one. Yes, it is true that the fire takes longer to extinguish and different protocols must be applied to put it out.

4. The electric car is more expensive to maintain than the gasoline one

Fake. In reality, an electric motor has fewer components than a gasoline one, is simpler and works at lower temperatures, which can reduce the risk of breakdowns and requires less maintenance. It must be said that batteries increase the weight of the car, which can result in greater wear of the tires and shock absorbers. On the other hand, the brakes are used less by taking advantage of regenerative braking.

5. The extra purchase cost is not amortized

Depending on the use and circumstances, it may take more or less. A car that is charged at home saves about 9,000 euros every 100,000 kilometers in fuel; That is to say, although the electric car costs 9,000 euros more than an equivalent gasoline car, the excess price will have been compensated after 100,000 kilometers of use. This figure is even lower if you can access the Moves plan to help green cars. However, those who do not have a charging point and cannot enjoy the aid will take much longer.

6. An electric car is a good purchase for everyone

False: There is a serious drawback. 60% of households in Spain park their car on the street and have nowhere to charge it due to the lack of chargers on public roads. In practice, this makes it impractical to use the electric car or it would be very expensive if they are always charged on fast chargers.

7. The electric car does not pollute

Fake. It does not pollute while it is used and that is why it does not have access limitations to low-emission zones, but it does pollute when it is manufactured, and also when electricity is produced. Emissions will depend on the types of power plants that are operating at the time of charging. In the ideal case that, at that moment, only wind or solar energy is being produced, pollution would be zero, but there are always other polluting plants operating.

8. Taking long trips in an electric car is more comfortable than doing it in a gasoline car

Fake. Today, with an insufficient number of chargers, a trip by electric car requires planning (more so the more traffic is expected) and registering in a large number of charging apps. What is true is that they are quieter and have less vibrations.

9. In the event of an accident, the electric car is cheaper to repair

Fake. It all depends on the type of car and the accident, but in an accident in which the batteries, which are located in the undercarriage of the car, are damaged, they will most likely have to be replaced, which will cost up to 30,000 euros.

10. The resale value of an electric car is higher than that of a gasoline car

Fake. For older cars, the resale value of the electric car will drop rapidly as the battery change date approaches, since its price is very high. On the other hand, in a gasoline car, its life can be extended longer with lower repair costs.

1. A long trip in an electric car is more expensive than a gasoline car

It depends on where the loading is done. Traveling 100 kilometers in a gasoline car costs about 13 euros and about 10 if it is in a diesel car. Thus, a 600 km trip will cost about 78 euros with an average consumption gasoline car and 60 euros with a diesel one. As for electricity, the cost can range from free recharges in some public chargers in shopping centers or town halls to the prices of fast chargers, which vary between 9 and 17 euros per 100 kilometers. If the car starts the trip fully charged from home, the distance traveled with the first charge will have cost about 4 euros per 100 kilometers. If the trip is planned well, stopping at chargers that are not the most expensive and starting the trip with the batteries 100% charged at home, the cost is less than the equivalent in a gasoline car. A 600 km trip would mean 39 euros of electricity, this is just half that with gasoline, since the first 300 km would cost 12 euros, and the second 300 km would cost 27 euros.

2. Electric car batteries are not recycled

Only partly true. Electric car batteries can be recycled in part of their components. It is true that today the recycling process is expensive, but it is expected that this technology will become increasingly cheaper. The objectives of the European Union are for there to be a recovery of 63% of the batteries in 2027 and 73% in 2030, although it is unknown if this will be achieved.

3. An electric car pollutes more in its life cycle

It is not like this. To evaluate the environmental impact throughout the life cycle, the entire process must be taken into account: material extraction, energy production, manufacturing, use and recycling. As can be seen from the analyzes of GreenNCAP, an organization of which OCU has been a part since its foundation, if the entire life cycle is taken into account, the electric car pollutes less than a combustion car in particular, around 30% less. Another different issue is that it is not convenient to throw away cars in good use to replace them with an electric one.

4. You cannot take long trips in an electric car

Depends. None of the available cars can make a 600 kilometer trip without stopping to recharge, and electric cars need to do so more often. But there are electric cars with which it is possible to travel more than 300 kilometers without stopping, so you can make a trip of 600 km with a single stop of half an hour. Even so, on Spanish roads there is still a lack of fast chargers and a universal payment system that makes the charging process easier and more agile.

5. Electric cars do not make noise

Almost true. Electric cars are quieter than combustion cars because the engine does not make noise. Now, the rolling sound continues to be produced and, from the inside, it may even give the impression that it is heard more because the engine cannot be heard. In reality, the sound when rolling should be similar to that of any other car and depends a lot on the type of tire: width, brand, model… Likewise, the regulations require that an electric vehicle emit noise when driving at low speed to alert to other users – especially pedestrians – of their presence. It is a road safety issue.