This morning the Government approved the names of the 18 members who will make up the group of experts who will propose measures to improve education in Catalonia. Last week it already revealed 15 of the 18 members and today it announced the remaining three, after the Central Board of Center Management appointed the directors. All three are members of this board.

The first appointed is Arturo Ramírez Varela, director of the Sant Jaume School in El Prat de Llobregat (Barcelona) and who, according to the Government, “stands out for his involvement in the defense of the language.” He also collaborates with the ministry through the Subdirectorate of the Management Function.

The second is Joan Cumeras Costa, director of the Santiago Sobrequés i Vidal Institute, which is one of the reference centers in Girona. He is a professor in the field of Visual and Plastic.

The third elected director is Ermengol Alemany Font, who is in charge of Escuela Castell de Dosrius (Barcelona). Linked to the digital and midday education plan.

The constitution of this group was approved at the summit that the Government held with the parliamentary groups on December 19 to evaluate the latest results of the PISA report.

Its members will begin to deliberate at the beginning of the second school term and, at the beginning of February, they will return to the parliamentary groups with the details of the first conclusions so that they can influence them.

Once the work is finished, it will be presented to the parliamentary groups and to the Education Council of Catalonia (CEC), where there will be other members of the educational community to finish enriching the debate. The coordinator of the group of experts is the president of the Consell School of Catalonia (now Consell d’Educació de Catalunya), Jesús Vinyes, who is specialized in psychopedagogy and has experience in the educational field as a teacher, Education inspector and deputy director general of the Inspection. He was the first president of the association of education inspectors of Catalonia.

In primary education, the teacher and pedagogue Mercè Mas has been appointed, who has been linked to different groups in the field of science teaching and communicative competence at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

As representative of the secondary education stage, the journalist and teacher Víctor Saura has been appointed, who has worked for several written media, has directed the ‘Diario de la Educación’ for five years and is currently dedicated to teaching in secondary education. .

In the field of Vocational Training, Francesc Roca Rosell has been appointed, who has been a professor in this field, head of department, head of studies, deputy director and director at the Institut Comte de Rius in Tarragona.

As for the subsidized educational centers, one of the two approved representatives is Montserrat Jiménez Vila, who is the pedagogical director of the Vedruna school in Palafrugell (Girona) and brings together two educational institutions with different backgrounds and ownership.

The other representative is Joan Vila Farràs, a graduate in Sciences from the Autonomous University of Barcelona who has been a professor of natural sciences, physics and chemistry and director of the Escola Pia de Granollers and Sabadell (Barcelona) and who currently directs the Escola Pia Balmes