Convert Word documents to PDF, convert JPG images to PNG format, edit texts, compress files, divide them, join them. Regular network users have to deal with these types of tedious tasks constantly. Luckily, there are different tools that are responsible for doing these tasks automatically and saving considerable time for the individual. One of the most useful functions has to do with audio-to-text transcription resources. Although the opposite, although less common, also has a whole series of advantages.

Converting texts into voice audio opens up a world of possibilities for the user, since it will be a very useful tool for different purposes. At first it may seem complicated, perhaps you don’t even have much hope for the results. But, thanks to advances in artificial intelligence technology, this task will be easier than ever.

Creating an audio based on a text is a very practical resource for various situations. One of the most important reasons for doing so has to do with accessibility, that is, making it easier for anyone to access that content. For example, people who suffer from vision-related problems or limitations.

Another application of this technology is linked to the understanding and study of texts. Since audio facilitates the assimilation of content and also favors its retention. You can even be doing other types of activities, such as exercising or walking, while listening to these audios to promote understanding and/or memorization.

Among the strengths of converting text to audio is also the possibility of doing it in several languages, so that more people can access them. Or the customization options that enhance the user experience.

When talking about converting text to audio, one might imagine a not very satisfactory result, such as a robotic or unnatural voice. However, with artificial intelligence this does not happen, since what is generated, through complex algorithms, is the reproduction of much more realistic and natural voices. To achieve this you will only have to resort to an application based on this technology, which usually has a limited but free version, and another paid version.

One of them is EvenLabs, a software that allows you to convert text into audio with different types of voices and 28 different languages. Another option is Speechify, capable of converting any format into speech, from PDF files to emails or any other document. In your case, you have 15 languages ​​to process.

Among the most complete is undoubtedly, with a huge variety of voices available, more than 500, and it also has 20 different emotions and 150 languages ​​in which to create audios.