Integrate knowledge from the fields of strategic communication, management and business, and international relations to train multidisciplinary professionals with great demand in the market. This is what the innovative degree in Global Communication Management that is taught at the Faculty of Communication and International Relations of Blanquerna proposes. And from this university they have seen that there is a need for professionals who are capable of communicating in companies both internally and externally.

The director of the Degree, Jordi Colell, explains that the three areas on which this study program is based are transversal, which allows for the formation of multidisciplinary graduates “which is very interesting for companies.”

“We need people who understand business to be able to communicate what is very complex,” he explains, “and to do so they have to know how to interpret fundamental information and data, not just have knowledge of communication and marketing.” This vision allows us to train professionals with high capacities who are in great demand in the labor market. In fact, so far two classes have graduated from Global Communication Management with “a high level of employability” in all cases, says Colell, who defines them as “hybrid professionals” capable of responding to all changes in the organizations.

In addition to multidisciplinarity, the degree stands out for its multilingualism: classes are taught mostly in English with the option of a second language, be it Chinese, Spanish, French or Arabic. This factor is essential to facilitate international mobility, which according to Colell is another of the interesting characteristics of this degree.

Another of its characteristics is the humanistic approach, since the program includes subjects of history, political philosophy or sociology, in addition to other subjects more focused on business management, economics or communication and marketing.

This innovative degree also has a practical approach, especially with the Final Degree Project, which allows graduates to reach companies with an experience that “allows them to access short-term leadership positions.” The objective of the degree, in fact, is to ensure that students “lead technological, social and organizational changes in companies, not be their victims,” explains Colell.

The professional opportunities of the graduates go through very diverse companies, from the most classic communications offices or public relations companies to the finance departments in multinationals or firms in other sectors. In this sense, the director of the degree explains that one of the students has become deputy manager in a banking company in Brussels.