Job evasion taken to the extreme. This is the case of a worker from a company in Huesca, arrested on January 9 for a serious crime of damage for boycotting the vehicle that the company put at his service to avoid having to do a service entrusted to him by his boss. The repair cost about 800 euros.

The reported events occurred on November 21, 2023, when the person in charge of the company entrusted one of his workers, a 31-year-old man, to travel in an entity vehicle outside the city in order to carry out a job. However, the worker informed him that he could not do it since the car assigned to him did not work.

Later, according to the Provincial Police Station of Huesca, the repair shop recorded in a report that the damaged vehicle had several intentional cuts in the alternator belt and in the wiring belonging to the injection system, which prevented its operation.

Furthermore, it so happened that the aforementioned worker had had to be assisted by a tow truck on up to three occasions in the last seven months due to a breakdown in the company vehicle with which he was traveling.

On the day the last breakdown occurred, some gloves and some cable-cutting pliers were found in this operator’s work bag that were not part of his work equipment and that he could have used to commit the reported damages.

Apparently, according to the National Police station, the aforementioned worker simulated an accidental breakdown in order to avoid doing his job after damaging the company vehicle with which he was supposed to travel.