It has happened to all of us at some point: we are driving the car and suddenly the gasoline warning light comes on. When that light comes on, it is a sign that the fuel level is low. Given this signal, the most advisable thing is to refuel. In principle, we should not worry, since as a general rule, cars, when the reserve light comes on, can travel about 40 or 50 kilometers.

Whether we are driving in the city or on the highway, it is easy to refuel at any time and place, so there are no excuses for not doing it on time. This will provide us with peace of mind, since in this way we eliminate the possibility of being stranded in an unsafe area or in the middle of traffic.

Beyond those inconveniences that can occur if we run out of gasoline, it is advisable to look for a service station and refill the tank so as not to harm the car’s mechanics. A low fuel level can cause costly and unnecessary breakdowns, since some elements are exposed to serious damage, as we will see below.


Fuel injectors are essential components of the engine’s fuel injection system. These injectors spray fuel directly into the engine’s combustion chamber in small quantities and at high pressure.

When the fuel level is low, sediment and debris accumulated at the bottom of the tank can be vacuumed along with the remaining fuel. These sludge can clog the small holes in the injectors, which can affect their ability to spray fuel efficiently.

Also, when fuel is low, the engine may have to work harder to obtain the necessary amount of fuel, which can increase the temperature in the combustion chamber. This can cause increased wear on injectors and other engine components.

combustion pump

The pump is responsible for absorbing gasoline and needs to have fuel within its circuit. If it does not have enough fuel, it may overheat and be damaged by overstress. Furthermore, when you drain the tank, the filter will become clogged with sediment and will not allow the remaining gasoline to pass through well.


The fuel gauge is the instrument that is responsible for measuring the amount of gasoline left in the tank. As the amount of liquid decreases, the gauge marks a lower level. However, when reaching the minimum, the gauge may become stuck at the bottom of the tank and not correctly display the fuel level when refilling.

Running out of gas in the middle of the road is not an infraction in itself. The General Traffic Regulations do not explicitly include this situation as a fault or infraction. However, in the event that you run out of fuel, it is most likely that you will not have time to park the car properly, so you would be committing an infraction that entails a fine of 200 euros (100 euros for prompt payment) without loss of points.

Keep in mind that when you run out of gas, the vehicle loses power steering and brake assist, so you may have difficulty stopping the vehicle safely.

To avoid this situation and possible sanctions, it is better to act in time. If you notice that the car starts to jerk and stall, the first thing you should do is signal using the emergency lights and park in a safe area off the road. If you need to get out of the vehicle, always use a reflective vest and the emergency light or warning triangles.

In most cases, the insurance policy includes a roadside assistance service. Therefore, you can call your company to send you help with refueling or to tow you to the nearest gas station.