Hello good morning!

The dirty war of the Rajoy government against the Catalan independence movement tried to implicate the head of the Mossos in a drug matter and even investigated the Sagrada Familia. The underlying question is whether it was a state operation or a merely partisan operation in favor of the PP. The struggle for power has no quarter, as ERC and Junts demonstrate with their division over the amnesty law.

Operation Catalunya. The police and the Ministry of the Interior tried, during Rajoy’s mandate, to implicate Josep Lluís Trapero in a drug matter. They also investigated Artur Mas, Xavier Trias, ERC and the Sagrada Familia temple.

Espionage. The Government partially declassifies the secret CNI documents related to the wiretapping that was carried out between 2018 and 2020 on Pere Aragonès when he was vice president of the Generalitat. Sánchez was already president of the Government and claims that he was also spied on with the Pegasus system. The coincidence with the scandal of the dirty war against the independence movement is relevant.

Amnesty. ERC and Junts want to shield the members of Tsunami Democràtic and the CDR from accusations of terrorism. However, they have not agreed on how to do it. Each party has submitted separate amendments to the Amnesty law. In this way they mark ground, but they also complicate the processing of the law.

Iran. The Revolutionary Guard yesterday attacked Irbil, in Iraqi Kurdistan, as well as the province of Idlib in Syria to destroy targets linked to Israel. The Islamic Republic takes another step in the escalation of the conflict.

Economy. During the last decade the per capita income of Europeans, as well as the GDP of the Union, have stagnated. The United States, for its part, has greatly improved both records. The abundant regulation of the EU and the lack of investment in innovation are the most common causes cited by entrepreneurs.

Pornography. The violence of Spanish children and adolescents against girls is increasing and one of the causes is that they consume a lot of online pornography. Starting in the summer, however, access to porn websites will not be possible in Spain for minors.

Plastic water. The Institute of Environmental Diagnosis and Water Studies, in collaboration with ISGlobal, has analyzed 280 samples of bottled water from 20 different brands and found plastic additives in all of them. Single-use plastic bottles are treated with these additives that pass into the water we drink.

Camila Sosa Villada, actress and writer. “Many readers confess to me that they get excited when they read me.” Read it here.

Cinema. Director Jonathan Glazer premieres The Zone of Interest, a film that loosely interprets Martin Amis’ novel about the family of the Auschwitz commander. The book is a satire of love and jealousy next to the extermination camp, but the film exposes the inhumanity of the Holocaust, and does so without the need to show the horror of the extermination.

Water polo. Spain, which is world champion, won the European Championship gold medal yesterday by defeating Croatia 11-10. This triumph guarantees their presence at the Paris Games this summer.

Royalty. Prince Mateen of Brunei and the aristocrat Anisha Rosnah yesterday ended their wedding, which lasted ten days. His father, Sultan Hasanal, who has a fortune of 15 billion euros, has thrown the house out of the window.

Jero García, former Spanish boxing champion. “A strong criminal sanction should be applied to the harassing child.” Read it here.
