Aitor Mier worked in the aeronautical sector until the outbreak of the covid pandemic left him without work. He took advantage of the master’s degree in Business Management and Administration that he was studying to change his orbit. Encouraged by his professor Enrique Schonberg Schwarz, Mier set out to carry out the business project that he had presented as his final master’s thesis. Since neither of them had previous experience in founding startups, the student and professor turned to the entrepreneurship promotion platform AticcoLab, which helped them establish Omashu in December 2022.

“We analyze, in real time, the performance of eSports players during games to obtain mathematically proven and personalized recommendations that optimize their performance and help them win more,” explains Mier. The technology devised by Omashu uses artificial intelligence, big data and blockchain to analyze biometric data, sleep patterns and physical activity. “We provide the tools so that players who want to show that they are professionals can do so,” adds the co-founder.

Omashu’s solution is also aimed at clubs that want to sign talent or brands that are looking for leading esports players to advertise their products. “In eSports we need players who are role models; “We help brands find them, at the same time we facilitate the entry of new sponsors into the sector,” says Mier. Currently, the startup captures data from about 170 players every month.

The company is based in a shared work space at the University of Barcelona, ??an educational center for which Omashu created the first university competition in electronic sports after winning a tender. Furthermore, it coincides that the ten people on the startup’s payroll are all researchers, Mier highlights. As a result of the work of this highly erudite staff, the emerging company has just published a scientific article and is awaiting the publication of two more.

Omashu has required an initial investment of 50,000 euros, contributed by Aticco, some employees and what is known as the three efes (from English, family, friends and enthusiasts). The money was used to grant them an Enisa loan of 68,000 euros.

In case you were wondering, Omashu takes advantage of the name of a previous company and references a Japanese legend.