The top of Tibidabo is the privileged enclave that will host this new educational proposal for Barcelona. There, in a building surrounded by more than 14,000 m² of private forest, work is being done to finalize the space and get it ready to welcome its first students at the beginning of the next academic year. Its environment will, without a doubt, be one of its differentiating characteristics, but not the only one. “Montiba is a school that values ​​and dedicates time to each person’s differences, without leaving behind the effort, the demands and, of course, the knowledge,” explains Ana Escoda, director of the center. “A school in which sports, arts, theater (oral expression!) will also have their space to train future engineers, carpenters, doctors, artists, lawyers, computer scientists, teachers, entrepreneurs, publicists, actors, philosophers , businessmen and a long etcetera, much more complete.”

To achieve this, Montiba is based on the balance between two teaching concepts, combining new ideas, applied by various European educational systems with proven success, with solid principles of education. The purpose is to prepare its students for the future, without losing sight of the importance of values ​​such as respect, effort and perseverance. A philosophy that is completed with an experiential and flexible learning methodology, which seeks to work in a practical way in its environment, the laboratories, cultural visits and that is committed to the centrality of the library as a key resource. “Our educational model – points out her director – encourages students to be active participants in their educational process, promoting the ability to contribute ideas and develop research skills.”

Its founders admit that Montiba is considered a demanding proposal “that nourishes the autonomy of students by encouraging them to resort to sources of knowledge, stimulating a critical spirit and an ability to relate concepts, which will be fundamental to discriminate in a world full of of information”. A requirement that will have a teaching team made up of highly qualified professionals and at the same time with the ability to adapt to the rhythm of each child, who share the passion for teaching as well as the fundamental values ​​of the school.

In the field of science and mathematics, an interdisciplinary approach is promoted that allows students to understand the world around them and develop the ability to transform it. Science provides them with the necessary understanding, while mathematics plays a key role in this process by promoting reasoning, the ability to abstract, and the development of logic. In the technological field Although it offers specialized robotics and programming subjects to promote advanced digital skills, the school adheres to the philosophy of limiting the use of technology, especially during the Preschool and Primary stages. It is considered that, in the early stages of education, it is essential to prioritize direct interaction, play and practical learning.

The Humanities also play a key role in helping students understand history, society, and gain a deep sense of ethics. This approach not only opens their minds to diverse cultures and ways of life, but also enables them to actively participate in debates and express themselves both orally and in writing in our languages: Catalan and Spanish. In addition, special emphasis is placed on English. Students participate in small classes, dedicating one hour a day to practicing, which gives them the ability to interact and communicate in today’s world.

Music, fine arts and theater play a crucial role in the school day. In this way, we allow students to develop their creativity and strengthen their physical and scenic expression that will help them with confidence, memory, expression and understanding of emotions.

Montiba promotes the daily dedication of one hour of sport as part of its program, an active lifestyle, recognizing the physical and mental benefits that come with regular physical activity. In addition, participation in sports is encouraged as a fundamental part of the comprehensive development of students, strengthening values ​​such as teamwork, discipline and personal improvement. Its privileged location allows them not only to do daily sports, but also to participate in physical activity in contact with nature. Montiba also takes great care of food and to do so, he has teamed up with Ametller Origen. Its team of nutritionists prepares the menus and provides the raw materials while the school’s internal team cooks so that the dining room is another pleasant moment of the day.

Getting to school will be quite an experience. Montiba has reached an agreement with the Tibidabo funicular (Cuca de Llum) for the transportation of children. From Barcelona, ​​families will have the option of dropping them off at Plaza Dr. Andreu. The students, accompanied by teachers, will take the funicular to the school in just four minutes. Montiba will also offer coach services from different areas of the city of Barcelona and Vallès.

Montiba was born from the union between two generations passionate about teaching, two teachers who have decided to join forces to bring to the Catalan capital a proposal already consolidated in Madrid Elena Flórez, after 37 courses at Colegio Estudio, 20 of which she directed said institution , founded Colegio Madrid, the school of his dreams, in 2017. Today this institution already has almost 1,000 students. Ana Escoda is a teacher from Barcelona with training in education, business and educational center management who knows Elena’s educational model first-hand.