Agents of the National Police Force of Ávila have arrested a man red-handed after being caught locked inside a chest freezer in the kitchen of an establishment where he intended to steal.

He is considered the alleged perpetrator of a crime of robbery with force in a premises in the capital of Avila, as reported in a press release by the Provincial Police Station, pointing out that cash and the keys to a car wheel were seized from the detainee. and a tow hook.

The events occurred in the early hours of January 12 when National Police agents surprised a man in an establishment locked in a chest freezer in the kitchen, after having put some top covers on himself so as not to be discovered by the agents.

This situation occurred while the police were carrying out preventive patrol work when a call from a neighbor, who heard noises and knocks coming from a bar located below his home, made them go to the area.

Once at the scene, the agents verified that the door of the establishment was forced and the glass was broken. Once inside, and after a thorough inspection, they located a man locked in a chest freezer in the kitchen.

At that moment, the police proceeded to arrest him as the alleged perpetrator of a crime of robbery with force, subsequently passing judicial disposition.