Hello good morning!

Spanish society seems not to care at all about the amnesty that is leading the government and the Catalan independence movement so badly. It is a clear example that the reality of the street does not coincide with the political reality. A real problem for which there is no solution other than rain is the drought in Barcelona. It has been of no use that experts have been warning of the danger for years.

Amnesty. The law is complicated because ERC and Junts have presented unagreed amendments. The two formations don’t even talk to each other. To complicate things even more, the lawyers of the Justice commission warn of the possible unconstitutionality of the rule.

Public opinion. The CIS confirms that the amnesty does not keep Spaniards awake at night and places Sánchez ahead of Feijóo in voting intention. The cost of pardoning the Catalan separatists will not be so serious for the PSOE.

Operation Catalunya. Josep Lluís Trapero, head of the Mossos during the process, will file a complaint against the Government of Mariano Rajoy for having set a trap with the intention of implicating him in a drug matter. Artur Mas, also a victim of the dirty war, will wait to see what happens in the Congressional commission before going to court.

Iran. The Islamic republic has attacked Pakistan and Syria to punish the Islamic State, present in the Syrian province of Idlib, as well as a Sunni terrorist group that has attacked an air base in the south of the country. Iran shows external muscle to combat internal instability.

China. The demographic crisis is a very heavy burden for the Chinese regime. The birth rate is on the floor. Last year the population decreased by two million people. Economic growth, on the other hand, will barely exceed 5%, a figure that does not guarantee sustainability.

Drought. The metropolitan area of ​​Barcelona is left without water. The region is about to enter an emergency, which will mean reducing pressure on homes. The first municipalities will be the ones that spend the most. There will be fines for watering the car or garden. There is no rain on the meteorological horizon capable of reversing this crisis.

Artificial intelligence. The AlphaGeometry system has solved mathematical theorems and has done so by learning from the data it itself generates. It is a great step forward in the development of this technology that worries as much as it excites.

Martín Caparrós, writer and journalist. “Only those who can’t find anything better get into politics.” Read it here.

Photography. The street perfectly expresses the state of a society. Fotocolectania shows a selection of 160 photographs of these streets that explain what we are and what we do. This time, the images do speak for themselves.

FC Barcelona. Barça works together, at least from the outside. Laporta maintains confidence in Xavi and the coach trusts in the reaction of his players. Today he plays in Salamanca and, in light of the latest results, there is no small enemy for this Barça.

Climate. Greenland is thawing at great speed, much faster than expected, so much so that it is altering the thermal distribution of the planet. This means more extreme weather events around the world.

Alberto de la Fuente, businessman. “Kidnapped in that box I found the world inside me.” Read it here.