Star Nature brand strawberries and cream children’s perfume has been withdrawn from the market due to the unauthorized presence of 2-(4-tert-butylbenzyl) propionaldehyde, also known as Lilial.

This has been reported by the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU), after the rapid alert system for dangerous non-food products of the European Union, Safety Gate, warned of the presence of this ingredient in said perfumes.

This is a prohibited substance because it can cause skin sensitization, but it is also one of the CMR substances, carcinogenic, mutagenic and with effects on the reproductive system, to the point that it can harm the health of the fetus.

Lilial was until recently one of the most used substances in cosmetic fragrances. In fact, it was not banned until March 1, 2023. This allergen can also appear on cosmetic labels as buthylphenyl methylpropional or p-BMHCA.

The Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU), collecting the information from Safety Gate, has ordered its withdrawal from the market for failing to comply with European regulations regarding the Regulation of Cosmetic Products.

Furthermore, the OCU recommends that, if you have this product, the ideal is not to use it and take it to the point of sale to request a refund.