The Civil Guard has arrested a 32-year-old man in Madrid for tying up and sexually assaulting his six-month-old daughter continuously over time, events that he recorded on video and shared on pedophile forums on the Deep Web.

After finding one of these videos and identifying both the victim and the aggressor, agents from the Central Operational Unit (UCO) of the force requested an entry order and search of the home where they were, arresting the alleged perpetrator of the events and saving the baby.

The investigation began when expert agents in the fight against cybercrime of the UCO, specialized in this type of cases, found a video that was circulating on pedophile forums in which a man, supposedly of Spanish nationality, tied up and sexually assaulted a baby. .

As the investigations progressed, they determined that the aggressor was a 32-year-old man residing in the province of Madrid and his victim was his six-month-old daughter. Both were identified thanks to the use of various technical tools, police databases, international collaboration and open sources.

Having confirmed the constant risk to which the minor was subjected, the agents brought the facts to the attention of the judge, who authorized the entry and search of the man’s home.

Once the baby was arrested and taken to safety, in just over 24 hours the researchers analyzed more than 120 gigabytes of information that the man stored on his laptop and mobile phone, where they located hundreds of files of sexual exploitation of minors. . Among them, several committed against his own daughter and which showed that the attacks had been perpetuated over time.

At the same time, the mother recognized her daughter and her husband without a doubt in the video that gave rise to the investigation. She also pointed out that the room in which it had been recorded was her current residence. For all these reasons, the judicial authority decreed that the man be placed under preventive detention while awaiting trial.

As reported by the armed institute, the operation was carried out within the framework of the thirteenth edition of the Victim Identification Working Group (VIDTF) of Europol, in which 33 experts from 23 countries participated and which culminated with the arrest of two alleged aggressors and the safeguarding of three minors.

As a result of VIDTF operations carried out since 2014, focusing on unsolved cases of child sexual abuse, more than 695 children have been rescued and 228 offenders arrested.