The main suspect in the death of Soufian Mhara, a 24-year-old young man of Moroccan origin who was stabbed outside a bar in Salceda de Caselas (Pontevedra) in 2019, has been arrested in the United Kingdom and will be extradited to Spain. .

This has been confirmed by the Civil Guard, which explains that the arrest of this person, a 30-year-old man of Albanian nationality and with a history of drug trafficking and organized crime, occurred on January 6 in the county of Cheshire (England). ).

The forecast, as reported by the Superior Court of Justice of Galicia, is that the arrested person will arrive in Spain this Tuesday, after which he will be brought to the judicial disposal of a court acting as guard, to ratify his entry into prison.

For the identification of the suspect, the procedures carried out within the investigation directed by the judge of O PorriƱo have been essential, among which the statements of witnesses stand out, who also contributed videos and photographs to the case from the day of the events.

The search has been carried out by the human section of the organic unit of the Judicial Police of the Pontevedra Civil Guard headquarters. The photograph of the murderer, who fled the scene on the run after committing the crime, showed a partial profile of a male and was released to the media at the end of 2020.

In addition, the investigators meticulously processed all the clues and specialists from the Pontevedra command’s crime laboratory obtained a “doubtful” genetic profile, which, when compared with police databases, yielded numerous candidates.

It was not until the beginning of 2022 when the investigation managed to reduce this range to a single suspect, thus preparing proceedings addressed to the investigating judge of the case, which included several technical reports.

After issuing a search, capture and prison order against this person, who already had another issued by a court in Cambados for his involvement in drug trafficking, all police work focused on locating this person.

Various information indicated that he had left the national territory after committing the homicide and investigators managed to follow his trail through different countries, including Portugal, France, Italy, Albania, Greece and, finally, the United Kingdom.