How was the Emilio Sánchez Academy born, that pioneering model that manages to be a unique reference in Europe?

From the beginning I was clear that I wanted to create a site where sports and studies could be combined at the same time, giving equal importance to both things. From my travels, I knew the United States well, I saw some references there and I decided to take a risk and create a different place, where you could train, compete and study at the same time. We were pioneers, with a unique model in Europe, with an innovative approach: American school and high-performance academy, which became a benchmark.

How do discipline, effort, perseverance help young people in their future?

I believe that every day you have to give the best version of yourself in everything you do or undertake. That’s how I understand life. At school, at the academy, students have to give their best version daily, at all times. It is a difficult challenge, but they have the support of the staff and teachers who guide them to create that environment where discipline and perseverance predominate.

What differentiates you from other international schools?

The sports environment gives the school a different approach, very positive dynamics, to which is added the privileged location of the campus, an ideal place where you can also experience an international environment with the natural learning of many languages ​​and coexistence with people from all over the world. everyone. From the first educational levels, boys and girls are in an environment with that special energy, to which we combine the experience of our entity and our staff.

Among its ‘alumni’, in addition to Grand Slam winners, there are others with successful university careers and who have stood out in the business world…

That’s how it is. I am equally proud of those who achieve a Grand Slam or those who complete a university career. Among our alumni we have great stories. Recently, a student who has been with us since she was little, Alice Ferlito, graduated in 2023 and is at Princeton, one of the best universities in the world, on a scholarship, where she continues playing tennis and studying. There is also Natsumi Okamoto, who works in one of the most important television rights companies in Japan, or Sam Bencheghib, who has become a great activist in defense of the environment with his NGO, and there are so many others…

What advantages does the center offer to student tennis players? Are they only aimed at student athletes?

This is an ideal center, because studies and sports go hand in hand. Thus, both the schedule, homework, tournament calendar, training, etc., are personalized and appropriate for each student. I would like to highlight the figure of the tutor, both in tennis, in physics, and in school. All of this allows students to focus on their daily lives, without worrying about other issues. For example, a student can study, train or compete in the same day and that is a great help for their evolution as an athlete and as a person. At school we have had and have athletes of various modalities and also students who are not athletes. We offer them a multi-sport activity because we believe that sport has many positive aspects in its evolution.

What is the training offer at ES American School?

Our school is small by design, with no more than 150 students. This way we can offer very personalized attention, with an average of 10 or 15 or no more than 20 students per classroom, as the case may be. There are three stages of the United States educational system: Elementary School (ages 6 to 10), Middle School (ages 11 to 13), and High School (ages 14 to 18). All classes are taught in English, thanks to international teaching staff who are highly qualified in their areas of specialization. All core areas are covered: mathematics, science, history, English, art, economics, physical education, etc., along with Catalan and Spanish language subjects for Spanish students. At Elementary School we teach the Primary Education Program (PYP) of the International Baccalaureate.

How would you define your educational model? How do you innovate in a field like education?

It is a highly personalized, inclusive and multicultural model, with students from more than 40 countries, in small groups, where it is emphasized that students are the center of their own learning. We want them to be critical and demanding thinkers in a culturally diverse and constantly changing society. That is why we strive to provide them with the tools and technologies necessary to become global citizens for the 21st century.

What is your assessment of these 25 years and what future challenges does ES American School set for itself?

The success of the last 25 years is reflected in the achievements of our students. We are very proud of them and how they reflect our values ​​in their respective paths in such a globalized world. Our challenge now, and one we are very excited to take on, is how we support our students to use AI effectively to enhance their learning. AI is providing extremely engaging and highly personalized opportunities to develop students’ creativity and critical thinking. We look to the future with great enthusiasm!