Virtual and augmented reality bring training and practice together, as they allow real situations to be visualized virtually, and subsequently integrate information into physical reality through augmented reality. This reduces training needs by allowing the worker to access additional information in their position, such as viewing 3D manuals, guidance or remote assistance.

As the Training Trends report from Randstad Research points out, virtual and augmented reality facilitates understanding through a more realistic and interactive representation of reality, which promotes motivation and knowledge retention; reduces risks during the hands-on learning experience in some sectors by simulating dangerous scenarios, such as fires or crime scenes; reduces risks in practice, in the workplace, by having been able to experience risky situations before, and allows cost savings, by avoiding travel to attend training, simulating learning practices virtually instead of real, or facilitate content updating.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a tool for organizing and providing training. This can help improve the design of training and offer it in a more personalized way. In turn, generative AI facilitates the development of training materials or their transformation into more didactic formats, proposes more personalized educational content, shortening or lengthening training according to the level and needs of each student, and creates knowledge tests. The Randstad Research report also indicates that artificial intelligence will be able to create educational content in audiovisual format and based on virtual or augmented reality.

Among the aspects to monitor, it points out that AI could be used by students fraudulently to pass knowledge tests, carry out assignments or exercises. Therefore, it will be increasingly necessary for teachers to have certain knowledge of AI to be able to detect or hinder illegal ways of passing tests or developing exercises.