The EISB international school is distinguished by being a family school, since its origin and by being under the direction of the Herranz-Frías family, who have maintained the same purpose since its foundation: to make the student its main protagonist.

The success of its educational program is born from an education in values ​​and the great human fabric that makes up its community. Together they play a key role in the growth and character development of each of their students.

EISB’s mission is to empower its students through the acquisition of skills and knowledge that enhance their development and the integrity of their actions.

The main differentiating feature of EISB is its language immersion program in which each teacher is the reference for their native language. In this way, students are given the opportunity to acquire different languages ​​in a multilingual environment that simulates the natural learning of a language.

Until completion, in Baccalaureate, students study five languages ​​as part of the center’s linguistic program. In Nursery (from 9 months to 2 years) the program is developed 50% in English, 25% in Catalan and another 25% in Spanish. In Infant School (3 to 5 years old) the percentage of English is 80%, 10% in Catalan and the remaining 10% in Spanish. In Primary Year 1 65% of the program is in English; and from Primary Year 3 the study of French is added. In Secondary Year 1, the language program is completed with the additional incorporation of German or Chinese.

In addition, the school has a Linguistic Adaptation Department (International Homeroom) for newly arrived students who require a tailored program. Its methodology, during school hours and in small groups, allows students to quickly acquire the necessary linguistic level.

The center promotes intercultural understanding, giving its students the opportunity to learn and grow in a global environment.

The language immersion project is complemented by the European Engagement Program for a Global Mindset, a travel and exchange program abroad that is part of the Secondary curriculum. This program is fundamental for the development of the EISB student’s character, characterized by their critical capacity, social skills, international knowledge, language proficiency and global perspective.

Located in one of the best residential areas of Sant Cugat del Vallès, 15 km from Barcelona and surrounded by the Collserola natural park, European International School of Barcelona offers a unique environment. Located on an area of ​​14,000 m2 and immersed in a natural setting, the EISB campus is equipped to offer students the right environment in which to learn and carry out all types of physical activities included in their curriculum (including swimming classes). .

Students can get to school on foot, by scooter or by private or public transport. In addition, the school also offers several school bus routes to bring students from other areas such as Barcelona, ​​Vallès Oriental, Vallès Occidental, Baix Llobregat, etc.

The school facilities were carefully designed by architects Alonso and Balaguer to provide a versatile space that complemented the comprehensive development of its students. Likewise, these facilities have cutting-edge and innovative technology (aerothermal energy and photovoltaic panels) for the air conditioning of their spaces.

Highlights on its campus include two heated swimming pools, a soccer field, a multi-sports pavilion, the 500-seat auditorium-theater, a garden, a cafeteria, multiple psychomotor rooms and a multitude of multipurpose spaces.

The extracurricular offer includes a wide program of sports and artistic activities that include, among others: basketball, football, rhythmic gymnastics, ballet, judo, synchronized swimming, mountain biking, music and theater classes. In addition, a wide variety of campuses and trips are offered during holiday periods. Students and their families can enjoy the school facilities, especially the swimming pools, for free on holidays and weekends.

“Our success is based on the personal commitment we adopt with each of our families from day one: to make their children, our students, reach their maximum potential. With this objective, we provide them with a wide range of itineraries and activities tailored to their needs, based on a firm belief that each student is unique and deserving of the best education. Essential is the team of exceptional professionals who work at EISB. Teachers and service personnel who live education with passion inside and outside the classroom, and who enjoy their profession day after day,” explains Esther Herranz Frías, general director of EISB, “I am moved to see that our former students continue to want to keep in touch. with us and how important it is for them to share with their teachers, their other family, their achievements and concerns, trusting them to seek advice and advice. They know that we are and will always be here for them.”