Winter is the time of year when fewer car trips are made. Except in specific situations, when festivities and long weekends mark a noticeable increase in mobility, the coldest months of the calendar do not concentrate the same volume of traffic as other seasons, especially summer. This is when the majority of citizens leave their usual places of residence and go on vacation, usually by car.

Despite this significant decrease in traffic that usually occurs in the winter months, it is also the period in which the most accidents and fatalities occur on the roads. Adverse weather conditions, such as rain, snow, wind and fog, add a considerable risk component to winter travel.

Without a doubt, fog is one of the most annoying elements when driving. We must not forget that 90% of the information we perceive when driving comes to us through sight, so the presence of fog banks can generate a significant limitation of our visual field.

Fog directly affects the ability to anticipate obstacles, identify traffic signs and recognize the presence of other vehicles on the road. The combination of reduced visibility and the uncertainty of what may be hidden behind fog means that driving under these conditions requires extreme attention from drivers.

One of the most effective measures to guarantee road safety in these conditions is to comply with what is known as the three V rule. This valuable guideline refers to visibility, speed and distance from the vehicle in front, which are essential aspects to maintain safe driving in fog episodes.

In a message published on social networks, the Civil Guard advises drivers to respect the 3V rule when driving through a foggy area. La Benemérita remembers that the visibility, speed and distance data with the vehicle in front of us must be the same. For example, if visibility is reduced to 50 meters, the maximum speed should be 50 km/h and the safety distance 50 meters.

By following this advice, we can react safely to unexpected braking, avoiding a rear-end collision. On some occasions, the drivers’ inattention can lead to a pile-up involving several vehicles.

In the same message published on X (formerly Twitter) the Civil Guard informs users of the color codes that identify the density of the fog and the associated traffic restrictions.

This color scale, developed by the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT), associates the color green with the most favorable conditions (visibility between 120 and 250 m) and progresses towards yellow (between 65 and 120 m), red (between 40 and 65 m) and black (below 40 m) as visibility decreases.

Traffic recommends in its publications that drivers pay special attention to the humidity that may be on the road during fog episodes. When the asphalt is not completely dry, braking takes longer and the car may not respond as well when cornering. It also increases the risk of aquaplaning. He also recommends keeping the windshield wiper tank full and making sure the blades are in good condition.

Finally, the DGT advises motorists to pay attention to the longitudinal marks on the ground and not separate from them, as well as not to stop on the shoulder, especially if the fog is intense and visibility is reduced.