Good morning!

The EU opens a new strategic dialogue. This time it is not to face the pandemic or the technological transition, but the crisis that affects agriculture. Farmers find it less and less profitable to cultivate the land every day, but if Europe does not produce its own food it is left in the hands of third parties, a very vulnerable position as seen with covid.

Europe. The EU has started a dialogue with 30 agricultural organizations to find solutions that will allow Europe to continue producing the food that Europeans need. This requires more public aid and more sustainability. Meanwhile, precariousness has put the sector on a war footing.

France. Macron allied himself with the extreme right to approve a very tough law on immigration. Now, the Constitutional Council has taken down the articles that left migrants most helpless. The lack of political consensus sometimes leads to legislative botches.

Poland. The parliamentary majority will try to pass a law on abortion, a very controversial issue in one of the most conservative societies in Europe.

Catalonia. The CNI spied on Aragonès because he considered him the leader of the CDR in hiding. Judge Manuel García-Castellón, for his part, seems determined that former President Puigdemont will not benefit from the amnesty. In order to accuse him of terrorism, he maintains that he was at the forefront of the popular mobilization and that in some of these concentrations there may have been “homicidal spirit” against the police.

Economy. Replacement in the management leadership of Criteria, La Caixa’s parent company. The new CEO is Ángel Simón, who has already announced a strategic shift in investment policy. Criteria, valued at 26.4 billion euros, has the largest portfolio of industrial investments in Spain.

Climate. In a valley in the interior of Alicante there are cherries in the middle of January. It is an isolated event, but symptomatic of the warming that has accelerated in the last two years. The temperature touched 30 degrees a few days ago.

Education. Catalan students are far from finishing school with the appropriate level of English, especially if they do not receive extracurricular classes. It is one more deficit in a system greatly affected by low levels in mathematics and reading comprehension.

Bad Gyal, singer. “I’m very distrustful, it’s hard for me.” She read it here.

Cinema. Norma Jeane was a young employee in a parachute factory who wanted to succeed in show business. André de Dienes photographed her when she was not yet Marilyn Monroe. The photos can be seen in an exhibition at FotoNostrum.

Famous. Jeff Bezos, owner of Amazon, sticks out his chest remembering that he started working at a McDonald’s. Singer C. Tangana does not have such good memories of Pans

Science. The Japanese spacecraft SLIM landed on the moon on its nose when an engine failed. Even so, it missed the place where it was supposed to land by only 55 meters, a record. In this type of operations, it is normal to deviate up to ten kilometers. The ship has been able to free two robots, which never tire of taking photos of it.

Eyal Press, historian. “We citizens must assume what is done with our name.” Read it here.