Barcelona has positioned itself as an international hub both in the executive training of managers and in higher education thanks to the work that institutions such as the UPF Barcelona School of Management (UPF-BSM) have been carrying out for years, which has been included for the first time in the ranking “ Executive Education Custom 2023” published by Financial Times.

Thanks to this recognition, UPF-BSM thus becomes the first business school linked to a public university in Spain – the Pompeu Fabra University, the best young university in Spain according to the Times Higher Education 2023 ranking – that appears in the most prestigious in the Higher Education market internationally.

The inclusion of the UPF-BSM in the most important management training ranking in the field of Higher Education positions the institution among the elite of management schools at an international level, and therefore reinforces the path of international accreditations that it undertook. the School a few years ago, first with obtaining the AMBA (Association of MBAs) and then, in 2022, with the EQUIS accreditation, the most prestigious in the Higher Education sector granted by the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFMD).

As a result of this internationalization process, the UPF Barcelona School of Management has created a new Full-Time MBA in English, in person, full-time, accredited by AMBA and aimed at people who want to take a professional leap or start their own business.

With this new addition, UPF Barcelona School of Management now has three MBA programs: Executive MBA, Full Time MBA in Spanish and the new Full Time MBA in English, all of which are accredited by AMBA. With this master’s degree, students acquire a strategic vision of the main functional areas of a company and develop specific skills and knowledge for business management.

It is a flexible and personalized program that incorporates content on innovation, business development, sustainability, leadership, etc. In addition, it has individual coaching sessions, development and personal brand workshops and activities with the professional careers department.

Sustainability and business ethics, as well as culture and humanism, are also integrated into the UPF-BSM programs through practical cases, conferences with managers and seminars, among other formats, raising awareness among participants about the importance of social responsibility and diversity management in the world of business and organizations to, together, move towards humanism and ethics that promote planetary well-being.

UPF-BSM adapts to the needs and demands of the market with the incorporation of three new official master’s degrees that promote internationalization and will start in October: the master’s degree in Data Analytics for Business, the master’s degree in Project Management and Culture of Change, and the master in Supply Chain Management, Technology and Sustainability.

The new university master’s degrees are added to the school’s current offering, which in the next academic year will have 46 programs (28 university master’s degrees and 14 its own). José Manuel Martínez-Sierra, general director of the UPF-BSM, comments: “These new programs aim to update our offer by responding to the growing need for professionalization in areas such as big data, the culture of change or sustainability. Our focus is to train the leaders of the future, with transversal values ​​that are the axis of our school such as innovation, equality or sustainability, and that will contribute to building a better world.”