How did OTS Media International specialize in international advertising?

We have always been an agency 100% focused on the international market, since its foundation in 1996 by Eugenia Formoso. She came from Publicitas, a totally international company dedicated to the representation of international media. We saw a market niche that no one was filling: offering specialized agency service in international markets. We were pioneers and we continue to be: leaders in the planning and purchasing of international media.

What have been your milestones?

We have been meeting objectives for the last 28 years. A period in which everything has evolved: the sector, the market, media consumption, technology and we have evolved with it. Perhaps this is the most important milestone, having always evolved in the right direction, adapting without being left behind, something essential to be able to be in the market for so long. We have had many milestones; We have worked with the best Spanish and international advertisers, but the most important thing is always to achieve the international success of our clients.

How would you describe OTS’s strategy in planning international campaigns?

28 years specializing and acquiring unmatched knowledge of each region and particular culture, of each market, sector, channel and medium, improving project by project. Knowledge shared with our clients as a trade that has not only given rise to our greatest treasure and asset, but even more so, gives us the ability to offer it to the market.

How has the agency adapted its strategies over the years to remain relevant and effective?

Since the beginning we have always had a great power to adapt, we have known how to adapt to a thousand and one cases, to new times and new channels, to new consumption, to the management of technology…, but above all, we We adapt to the client and their campaign, understanding each situation and objective, forming the same team and offering them what they need just as they need it, without further ado. We contribute and use only what will be decisive for the success of the campaign. Magic is exactly that: making the most difficult agile, relevant and easy. Pure adaptation.

What is the ideal relationship between a client and OTS to achieve success?

We always work for agencies, small, medium and large. Never for the end customer, and that is why we believe that providing excellent service is the best way to satisfy our customers. We focus on offering great service, promoting fluid communication with our clients and also offering the best economic conditions, because we are also experts in negotiating with the media. The commitment between client and agency is essential for success. We pour all our experience and vision into the client for the success of their campaign. Each campaign excites us, in each one of them we get involved from beginning to end and we give our best to form a team and drive that success together. The client’s objectives, their ambition and their passion, are ours.

Why would you recommend a client expand their campaigns beyond local borders and address international audiences?

Every day we are in a more globalized market and on many occasions local markets remain small when it comes to expanding products and services. An international expansion means having done things well in the local market, it means success. Do not be afraid of the word international, addressing international audiences is increasingly common when expanding businesses. We offer very high expertise to help any client expand internationally by providing knowledge and specialization, commitment and effectiveness.

What are the strategic and commercial benefits that a client could obtain by opting for an international campaign?

These benefits will always be linked to the objectives that the client has in that international market. It can be achieved from increasing awareness, notoriety and branding in the market in question to increasing the sale of both a service or product.