Hello good morning!

The Government has decided to shield the Catalan independence leaders from the accusation of terrorism. It thus aims to protect coexistence, in the same way that the CNMV tries to protect Grifols from a vulture fund. Common sense makes its way.

Catalonia. The PSOE, ERC and Junts reach an agreement to protect the Catalan independence leaders from the accusation of terrorism. The popular mobilization during the process could have led to public disorder, but not terrorism, as a judge from the National Court claims.

Spain. Esteban González Pons, PP MEP, announces that his party wants to know who spied on the President of the Government during the Pegasus case. He also regrets that the Constitutional Court is “a cancer of the rule of law.”

Economy. The CNMV has not found anything abnormal in Grifols’ accounting and asks the Gotham vulture fund to clarify how it decided to attack its positioning in the financial markets.

USA. Trump wins the New Hampshire primary with 54.8% of the vote. Nikki Haley gets 42.3%, a better result than the polls predicted, which allows her to stay in the race.

Middle East. The war in Gaza enters a new phase, slower and more dangerous, but just as intense. The prime minister is more cornered every day.

Catalonia. The Generalitat is preparing a law to protect the high mountain rural environment that arrives 41 years late and that will only benefit urban centers that have 60% of their surface area above 750 and with less than 50 inhabitants.

Health. A blood test will be enough to diagnose Alzheimer’s. This advance makes it possible to detect the disease in its early stages and attack it with more effective treatments.

Emma Stone, actress. “Bella has no traumas or prejudices, that was her greatest gift in interpreting her.” Read it here.

Hollywood. The film The Snow Society has obtained two Oscar nominations. At the same time, Robot Dreams will compete for best animated film. Double of Spanish cinema.

Motoring. Madrid snatches the Spanish Formula One Grand Prix from Barcelona. It will pay around 55 million euros per race (private investors) compared to the 22 (public investors) that Barcelona offered. The race in Catalonia remains up in the air.

Sumo. It is the sport par excellence of Japan. It dates back to the 8th century. For some time now, however, the great champions are not Japanese.

Stefan Klein, biophysicist. “Time is something personal, it does not exist outside of us.” Read it here.