Starting the year should not mean any major change in our lives, however, mentally many people cling to turning the page on the calendar to start having healthier, productive or useful habits with the psychological boost that comes with starting a new year, although It’s just a social construction.

Surely the most recurring and heard New Year’s resolution these days is to get in shape. Gyms tend to fill up during the first weeks of the year with people who have an extra dose of motivation and who want to quickly change their physique to have a more attractive body according to their point of view.

However, in many cases motivation is not enough and discipline is needed to maintain these habits over time, play sports regularly and wait for results that always end up arriving, but at a pace perhaps slower than expected.

Another big red flag when starting a new year is learning English, the most useful language in the world and which in many cases is neglected due to lack of time or attention, but which is still essential to advance in many professional careers. or even to travel.

Starting the year by signing up for an English academy, hiring a private teacher or getting a degree is a good way to get on the language bandwagon, which is always available and it is better to catch it as soon as possible.

Quitting smoking is another resolution that many make at the beginning of the year and that is certainly something tremendously positive for health and should be considered a priority, although it is a task that requires a lot of will.

Psychologist Ian Newby-Clark has an opinion that questions these resolutions: “Many hasty resolutions disappear in the early hours of January 1, it seems to me. Some may survive until January 10,” explains the specialist.

“You are the same person you were last year (which was a few minutes ago). Think about what is realistic for you and plan accordingly. Remember the power of gradualness and take it easy,” advises the expert.

In addition, also remember that having goals at the beginning of the year is not an obligation: “This year you may not have any goals. Maybe you haven’t thought about it. No problem. There is nothing wrong with not having a purpose,” Ian points out.

The Advanced Sports Nutrition and Personal Training Course provides you with the skills and knowledge necessary to become a successful professional in this field, working on two fundamental pillars of performance: training and nutrition.

With the General English Course you achieve correct pronunciation, reading and listening through interactive exercises and group conversation.

The Personal Training Sports Nutrition course will train you in anatomy and physiology, which will be the basis of accurate advice that prioritizes the health and particular situation of each client.