Having a potato in the car, always ready when you need it, can save your life. This is the element that we will use to prevent the glass from completely fogging up on the inside on cold days.

While it is true that turning the heating on to the appropriate outlet and activating the heated rear window can also defog, the action is not always instantaneous and we may find ourselves in a difficult vision situation for a while. With the potato trick, however, we will directly prevent water vapor from settling on the glass.

To put the potato trick into practice you have to cut it in half, peel it a little around the cut and pass the pulp over the entire surface of the glass. The starch in the potato will prevent water vapor droplets from sticking to the glass.

Next, wipe it with a cloth to remove any remaining starch. This is what various content creators on the networks teach you.

As we have told you, this trick also serves to prevent raindrops from remaining on the glass, both on the windshield and on the rearview mirrors, as if you had applied wax.