More than 300 people have registered to participate in the XXII Fuenlabrada de los Montes MTB Honey Marathon 2024, which will take place on February 3 and 4, valid for the region’s Open XCM and whose winners will take their weight in pure bee honey from local beekeepers with a total of 500 kilos of this product to be distributed.

On Sunday the 4th, the test includes a marathon of 75 kilometers with a slope of 2,000 meters and a short route of 45 kilometers and 1,200 meters of slope, and passes through three towns, Fuenlabrada, Herrera del Duque and Villarta de los Montes, with a medium-low difficulty and five mountain passes on its route.

Previously, on Saturday the 3rd, a short promotional circuit is held for participants from 4 years old to the cadet category, and the great 6-kilometer time trial, which is voluntary and allows you to get to know the terrain, which runs in the middle of nature along tracks and trails.

The deputy of the Badajoz Provincial Council, Ramón Díaz Farias; The mayor of Fuenlabrada, Ismael Higuera, and the president of the Extremadura Cycling Federation, Julián Pozuelo, have presented this cycling test accompanied by Evaristo González, sports technician from the town hall.

In his speech, Ramón Díaz Farias highlighted from Fuenlabrada de los Montes that its honey is very well known and is a way of promoting the municipality and the region, located in the La Siberia Biosphere Reserve, while also pointing out This sporting event is another event to promote the town and this product in such “complicated” times for the beekeeping sector, given what he sees as “fundamental” for him to know that the local administration has this initiative of support your sector and the promotion of your products.

A test with also “very special” connotations, such as being considered the “sweetest” in Extremadura cycling and in which the winners obtain their weight in honey, which makes it a “striking claim” about a product with properties “almost medicinal” and that it is a “powerful glucose provider”, so for those who practice sports like this it is a “fundamental supplement”.

Ismael Higuera has also delved into the fact that the municipality feels identified with this sporting event consolidated over time, which has become a tradition and “is deeply rooted in the culture of the town”, at the same time that he has highlighted that it has the support of the Extremadura Cycling Federation and which is a circuit that is within the Extremadura XCM Open, and is also recognized by the General Directorate of Sports within the Sports and Nature Circuit.

Regarding it, he has detailed that it runs through three different municipal areas between Fuenlabrada de los Montes, Herrera del Duque and Villarta de los Montes, which is an “extra” or “incentive” for cyclists who practice mountain biking and who can enjoy “the beautiful and spectacular landscapes and places” that the 75 or 45 kilometer route will offer, depending on the type.

At the moment, he continued, they have 300 registered people from 12 provinces and they hope to add more registrations, open until Wednesday of this week, according to Evaristo González, who detailed that the first 100 registered people have taken a jar of honey to encourage them to People sign up early and both the marathon and the short route leave from the ‘El Tomillar’ sports complex.

Finally, Julián Pozuelo thanked the city council for the drive and effort they make in this event that is consolidated every year, as well as the Badajoz council, which he highlighted for its involvement in promoting the sport which, in this case , is an “unmatched vehicle” to show the La Siberia Biosphere Reserve and its landscapes through this race that “by far” is the sweetest on the circuit.

Those who wish to participate can still do so by registering until next Wednesday through the Federation’s website. This year, cyclists from Extremadura and 12 other provinces have registered, with names such as David Arroyo and leading teams from Extremadura.