Hello good morning!

The amnesty that wants to put a clear end to Catalonia from the ‘procés’ is being voted on today in Congress. There is tension. Its fine print is still being negotiated. There are six months to finalize the final text, but it is already expected to be full of potholes.

Congress is voting today on the Amnesty law, despite the fact that negotiations are still open with ERC and Junts. The independentistas are pressing for the PSOE to accept changes.

Suppressing the term “terrorism” is one of the main modifications demanded (and the one that attracts the most attention), although there are more, such as extending the application period until November 2011, restoring fines paid, etc. Here all.

The socialists denounce in any case the judicial intrusion to try to blow up the amnesty. For example, the judge of Operation Voloh compromises the pardon of Carles Puigdemont for Russian connections.

The death of three US soldiers in Jordan has triggered tension in the Middle East in recent hours, although for now Washington is balancing its response. The US military mistook the attack drone for its own.

Oncological treatments will include physical activity after it became clear that exercise reduces mortality in some cancers by 20%. The data matters when it is already estimated that this year there will be almost 3% more cancer patients than in 2023.

Solar energy conquers the roofs with or without aid. Even though the 2022 record is far away, the growth is sustained and indicates a paradigm shift. Even part of what is generated is wasted.

The threat is carried out and the farmers’ protest blocks all access highways to Paris. Movements are slowed down. The Government says that “we need to go further” in the concessions.

Aleix Gusart, physiotherapist. “Taking anti-inflammatories has become normal, but it is not normal.” Read it here.

Eurovision fans warm up their engines. The first semi-final of the Benidorm Fest is tonight in a “record-breaking” edition. Thursday is the other semifinal and Saturday is the final. At stake is taking over from Blanca Paloma. Here the favorites.

Drink tea with salt? The recipe, which emerged in the US and scandalized the United Kingdom, is based on the fact that sodium blocks the mechanisms that make it bitter. There is conflict. It is even called “the second tea revolution.”

Do we eat like we did 10 years ago? Madrid Fusión is once again focusing the attention of gastronomy fans and professionals these days. It also serves to make public a study that shows that our menu has hardly changed in decades.

Arkano, rap artist; world champion of versified improvisation. “It used to seem like you could only be a rapper if you were straight.” Read it here.