According to data from the National Institute of Statistics, six out of every ten workers say they are not happy in their job. Both job insecurity, the adverse work environment and the feeling of being trapped in an unwanted profession are determining factors. In this context, more and more people between the ages of 35 and 50 decide to undertake a significant change in their career by resuming their academic studies in order to change their profession.

“I did the ILERNA Online Higher Cycle of Administration and Finance internship in the Human Resources department of my current company and since then I have grown professionally in that area. I became an HR Generalist and Payroll Specialist,” says Estefania L. Casado, a former ILERNA Online student living in Barcelona.

In the last decade, the number of Vocational Training students over 40 years of age has doubled, which shows that it is never too late to evolve professionally or reorient a career towards the dream vocation. In fact, the new FP cycles have adapted to the dynamism of the labor market, reaching a job insertion rate of 42%, according to data provided by the SEPE itself.

Thanks to the online degrees offered by ILERNA, a leading center in Online Vocational Training with more than 50 years of experience in the educational sector, it is possible to make a job change in just two years. Its distance learning modality makes it possible to combine work with studies, thanks to the flexibility that the center offers, turning any moment into a learning opportunity.

“The majority of ILERNA Online students are between 30 and 50 years old and work full or part-time. In fact, more of our 100,000 graduates have experienced changes in their professional trajectories thanks to the training cycles we offer, obtaining better-paid jobs or advancing in their current positions and many others have drastically changed their professional sector.” Says Jordi Giné, CEO of ILERNA.

Making the decision to change job sectors requires remarkable courage, especially for Generation X, who have already faced significant adaptations in recent times. Going through that learning process again is simpler than it seems and, in its essence, carries important benefits. In addition, the adult student profile is highly attractive to companies due to the accumulated experience, the ability to manage time, the ability to adapt, as well as critical and analytical thinking, which constitute valuable skills that stand out in this generation. and this is demonstrated by the figures. As revealed by the SEPE, graduates of mid-level training cycles were the most coveted in 2022, surpassing those of higher degrees. In fact, 52% of new hires were people who came from middle cycles. In short, the idea that it is too late to change direction is quite far from current work reality.