Hello good morning!

The legislature is complicated by the PSOE-Junts clash. And the drought due to the lack of alternatives. There is also talk of the ‘delulu’ era, of a new fashion of young people deluded into seeking happiness. What times.

The Government warns that the legislature will continue its course even if Junts withdraws. The post-convergents, at the same time, see this legislature in check if the PSOE does not accept a “comprehensive and immediate amnesty.” The majority are in danger; uncertainty rules.

The million-dollar question seems to be today: “Will Junts make a journey towards pragmatism” like that done by ERC because “it can no longer criticize that ERC makes an agreement with the PSOE, but it can criticize its way of negotiating”?, the analyzes highlight. Also if there can be an amnesty “through the back door.”

Brussels, on the other hand, unblocks the dialogue on the governing body of the Judiciary, the CGPJ, and calls another meeting with PSOE and the PP in 12 days. The commissioner highlights his “commitment.”

The drought that threatens Barcelona brings back to the table an old debate, that of the interconnection of networks, “the only way to provide an effective and quick response,” it is said. Pressure increases to link Barcelona’s water network to that of the Ebro. There is debate.

No officials? The fact that 60% of the General Administration staff is going to retire in the next decade is worrying. The Spanish Executive announces a plan to update the workforce, without specifying figures, but with its digitalization in mind.

The other cold war. The Russia-West conflict is accentuated in Africa. Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger say goodbye to the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). Moscow is the great ally of the Sahelian coup regimes.

Sinn Féin, the former political arm of the IRA, will lead (if there is no last-minute setback) the Northern Irish government after giving up the unionists in exchange for strengthening the British internal market and investments. It is a reversal of historical significance.

Hugo Silva, actor. “I stopped idealizing life a long time ago.” Read it here.

The ‘delulu’ era. The networks are always a gold mine of fashions that never cease to surprise. The last is that of young people who deceive themselves to seek happiness by dreaming of impossible things. It is associated with generation Z, today in their twenties and growing up amid crises.

Graffiti, art? Freedom? Incivism? Or what? The eternal debate returns to the foreground as Barcelona wages a war against the works that most degrade public space, which proliferate.

Artificial intelligence is already believed to be a “threat to states”; It is doubtful that they can govern it because “most countries do not have the money or knowledge to compete, and they depend on a handful of powerful companies and governments.” Of these, and so on.

Penpa Tsering, president of the Tibet government in exile. “I fight for a Tibet with autonomy within China.” Read it here.