Barcelona City Council, through Barcelona Activa and the Department of Science and Universities, will allocate four million to promote research and youth employment through the new program ‘Crea Feina Barcelona 2024’.
On the one hand, it will allocate two million euros for companies that hire unemployed people under 30 years of age or make permanent hires of people with doctorates. The City Council anticipates that this program could favor the permanent hiring of about 160 people.
On the other hand, a call for grants is being opened, endowed with 1.9 million euros, to promote the strategic hiring of scientific and research personnel with the indefinite hiring of resident doctorates, with the expectation that 75 people can benefit.
Municipal sources add that this aid includes measures to promote female hiring and also progressive gender equality in the field of research and knowledge.
“Sometimes we talk in this city about attracting talent, which is a good policy, but I believe that the priority that this City Council must have and that it has is to enhance the talent that we have at home and give it opportunities,” highlighted Jordi Valls, the Deputy Mayor for Economy, during the presentation of the plan.