The one who was considered the king of the 400 meter hurdles race, Edwin Moses, will be one of the prominent guests of the 86th Congress of the International Sports Press Association (AIPS), which will be held in Santa Susanna (Maresme) on the 28th. from April to May 2. The former American athlete born in Dayton, Ohio, in 1955, is an athletics legend. For 9 years, 9 months and 9 days (1977-1987) and in 122 consecutive races, no one could defeat him. He won the gold medal at the Olympic Games in Montreal (1976) and Los Angeles (1984) and the bronze in Seoul (1988); and he was world champion in Helsinki (1983) and in Rome (1987). His world record was valid until the Barcelona Games in 1992.

Edwin Moses will be in Santa Susanna on Sunday, April 28 to present his autobiographical film, “Moses 13 steps.” It is the story of how an athlete becomes the king of the 400 meter hurdles. The title of the film, “Moses 13 steps”, refers to the number of steps he took between closing and closing before jumping, one less than the rest of the athletes of the moment. The film will be available soon on digital platforms.

Currently, Moses is president of the United States Anti-Doping Agency and president of the Laureus Academy. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Physics from Morehouse College and an MBA from Pepperdine University.

In addition to Moses, a long list of personalities from the world of international sports have confirmed their presence in Santa Susanna, at the AIPS Congress. Among them is Sébastien Griesmar, director of the Lausanne Olympic Capital Foundation; Joan Antoni Samaranch, vice president of the International Olympic Committee; Morinari Watanabe, president of the International Gymnastics Federation; Leonz Eder, president of the International University Sports Federation (FISU); Thomas Giordano, head of Public Relations at UEFA; Guy Sanan, director of the Laureus Academy; o Patrice Motsepe, president of the African Football Confederation.

With the celebration of the AIPS Congress, Santa Susanna will once again be the capital of elite world sport for a few days. For five days, the cream of sports journalism and the main leaders of the world of sports and athletes of the moment will pass through the municipality. More than 300 people from 110 countries, which at specific times can exceed 400, will share concerns, experiences and projects linked to professional sports. This fact will help the image of Santa Susanna reach all corners of the planet.

The AIPS Congress will be held at the Atzavara Hotel. The elite of international sports journalism will discuss the future of the profession and how the increase in content creators and influencers affects it. One of the topics they will discuss is the impact of Artificial Intelligence in sports. Journalists, presidents and senior sports officials from international federations and experts from organizations such as UNESCO have confirmed their participation in the debate.

The debate on sports journalism from a gender perspective is also part of the agenda of the Congress, which will feature presentations from the International Olympic Committee, FIFA, UEFA, the IFBB, the Special Olympics, European athletics, the FISU , Erasmus, among others.

On April 29, the Sport Media Awards ceremony will be held in the Sports Pavilion. These are the highest international awards in sports journalism. The awards recognize the best sports storytellers on all platforms, from photography to video, from graphic journalism to digital, from podcasts to sports blogs, written press, radio, television, etc. The ceremony is streamed around the world.

This AIPS Congress is very special and symbolic because this year marks the first centenary of the entity, which was born in Paris on July 2, 1924. The International Sports Press Association brings together more than 15,000 members from 161 countries around the world. the world. It is chaired by the Italian journalist Gianni Merlo.