The National Court has issued provisional prison without bail for a 49-year-old man, arrested on January 15 by the National Police in Terrassa (Barcelona), accused of burning his wife alive in his country of origin in 2017. after dousing her with acid in front of her two minor children.

The agents, within the framework of investigations to detect people in jihadist radicalization processes, learned that a foreign citizen residing in Spain had murdered his partner in his country of origin, which has not been specified.

The National Police, as reported this Monday in a statement, urged the authorities of the country of origin to activate an International Detention and Extradition Order (OIDE) against him, which became effective last December.

The investigation began after the Police received information about a man who in 2017 had killed his romantic partner in his country of origin after dousing her with solvent and, subsequently, burning her alive in the presence of his children, ages 4 and 5, in the family home.

After the crime, the alleged perpetrator prepared to eat quietly in the presence of his children while the victim was lying on the floor. The detainee’s family arrived at the home minutes later and saw the victim in an agonizing state on the floor, forcing the accused to transfer her to the nearest medical center, with the health services unable to do anything for her, who certified her death shortly after. hours later.

The victim’s daughter, 5 years old, is undergoing psychological treatment with serious psychological consequences.

After the events, the man remained in hiding in his country of origin and, after a reasonable period of time and with the aim of avoiding arrest, he fled by boat to Spain, where he moved through different parts of Spanish geography until he was found. He settled permanently in Catalonia.

This method of procedure was intended to avoid his location and arrest since he used a false affiliation, and he was even identified in Pamplona and detained in Cádiz in 2017 with another identity.

The National Police arrested the man on January 15 in Terrassa, where he had established his residence, after a long search.

The arrested person was subsequently placed at the disposal of the National Court, which ordered his entry into provisional prison without bail.

The General Information Commissioner’s Office and the Barcelona Provincial Information Brigade have been responsible for the investigation.