The Minister of Education, Anna Simó, today Wednesday asked the Consell Superior d’Avaluació of the Educational System to maintain the oral evaluation of Catalan that began last year, after this body informed the educational centers yesterday that the tests Oral Catalan basic skills, which were introduced last year for the first time, will not be held this year as planned. Likewise, Simó has committed to carrying out an immediate review of the evaluation criteria of the educational system that had been set at the beginning of the course.

This year, the oral evaluation of Catalan will be carried out in a sample mode, in an expanded sample of 130 educational centers between primary and secondary schools. In this way, it is ensured by Education, the monitoring of the state of the Catalan language in the centers and the downloading of evaluation tasks to the educational centers, very saturated due to the implementation for the first time this course of the established diagnostic tests, will be made compatible. by Lomloe.

Likewise, the Department of Education has stressed in a statement that this will be the course with the most extensive evaluation of the Catalan language, which will be evaluated in the traditional basic skills tests in the 6th year of primary school and the 4th year of ESO, the oral tests on a sample basis in the same courses, and for the first time to the diagnostic tests of 4th year of primary school and 2nd year of ESO, where oral comprehension and written comprehension in Catalan and Aranese are also evaluated.

In addition, Councilor Simó has committed to improving the evaluation method in the 2025 tests so that the oral tests can be more compatible with the evaluation of basic skills and the new tests.

Education sources assured yesterday that the postponement proposed yesterday occurred “exceptionally” due to “the overload of work” for the centers caused by the implementation of new diagnostic tests. And they stated that the decision has been “consulted” with the Board of Directors. In addition to the basic skills, the department has introduced a test in 4th year of primary school and 2nd year of ESO. These are internal tests (corrected within the center).