The farmers and ranchers continue on the warpath and this Wednesday they take their demands to Barcelona. Hundreds of tractors and farmers have spent the night on the road in different parts of the territory and they plan to reach the Catalan capital with several slow marches, blocking the main arteries of the country.

Among the main demands of the professionals is the debureaucratization of the primary sector (they claim that they spend entire days “filling out papers” that make their work difficult), that imports be limited or that fair prices be guaranteed for what they produce in the fields and farms. .

M. Àngels Prat is a cattle farmer in the cattle sector of Caldes de Malavella. He is 57 years old and also a member of the Board of the Rural Women’s Association. In an interview on El món on RAC1, he explained that he sells milk “at 504 euros a ton. For a liter of milk, they pay me 50 centimos”.

This price has to compensate for the entire process carried out by the rancher: taking care of the fields, sowing forage and cereals to feed the cows, milking them, storing the milk in a refrigerated tank and organizing the collection: “The truck that takes the milk takes us “It leaves the liters it has collected written down and, once it reaches the industry, the percentage of fat and protein established by the standards is homogenized.”

Once it reaches the supermarket, a liter of milk ranges between 90 cents and 1.24 euros: “The distribution charges what is not written and the consumer has to pay a fortune for the products,” laments Prat.

This rancher, who assures that the situation “is unsustainable”, also explains that the drought has made it even more aggravated: “We cannot irrigate, we have to demonstrate a 50% reduction in water (something that is impossible for livestock farming) and we have have to go outside to feed the cows, where it has rained. And she warns that the alternative to this process is very cruel: “If we cannot feed the cows, we will have to sacrifice them.”

Recover the interview with M. Àngels Prat, livestock farmer in the cattle sector of Caldes de Malavella, in El món on RAC1.