These days some novelties have arrived on the market that are out of the ordinary. They are series or special editions, cars that will make you feel “very special” behind the wheel.

They are vehicles, all of them, designed to stand out from what your neighbor would do. In the same way that we sometimes allow ourselves certain whims when it comes to dressing, purchasing one of these cars means escaping from normality. Put aside the conventional. Pure daring.

We are not talking, of course, about a rational purchase, for that there are other moments. They are decisions made from emotion, passion. From our most emotional side. That is, much more heart than head. It must be said.

And beyond the price, a factor, we understand, in this case not very decisive, it is interesting to add that these cars tend to revalue well above the production models. Among other things, for its abundant and exclusive equipment.

And our selection includes a car for every use: a glamorous utility vehicle, a versatile and elegant SUV, a stimulating and powerful convertible and, finally, a family car whose features will make your hair stand on end. And, as the late journalist Andrés Montes said, “life can be wonderful.”