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Among the traps of each other, scams on clients and users who seek to make money with insurance fraud or avoiding the treasury are growing. Supplanted banks, invented accidents, rents that are not declared… Are you involved in one or are you one of those who suffers from them?

Extreme caution. They call you on the phone from your bank’s line. You receive an SMS on your phone warning you of a pending urgent payment. Or an email asks you for the bank’s PIN. You take everything for granted and send your information… but it is a scam. With the account empty, a battle begins that sometimes goes nowhere. The waves of customer scams have led banks to pressure telephone companies to stop fraud. To avoid falling into the trap, you must be extremely careful: these are the most common techniques to try to rob you from a distance.

You too? Users sin too. Between insurance scams and ways to avoid paying taxes, more than one person saves, or pockets, thousands of euros. Fraud against insurance companies is on the rise: false injuries, invented claims, inflated invoices… They are becoming more and more common. They also seek to cheat in other operations such as renting a parking lot. They pay both VAT and Personal Income Tax, but most choose to do everything black. Be careful because if the Tax Agency finds out it could be your ruin.

Solitaire traps. Better to do things well, both outside and inside the home, and not try to put yourself at risk. What’s more, it’s better to look for happiness even when you have to check out. “Quantify all your expenses and only stick to those that give you well-being,” say Vicenç Yll and Jordi Marínez, authors of Financial Wellness (Podcast). Organizing the accounts has to even help a mileur family to save, says financial influencer Sara Ferrer.

House earrings. In real estate, one of lime and the other of sand. Always pending the Euribor, mortgages are already falling, although only for a few. They are a small group of mortgage holders who, just as they win today, also lose in many other cases due to the fine print of their loans. Footnotes on the side, accessing housing is increasingly difficult. In Barcelona, ??a new apartment already costs more than half a million euros. How much do you need exactly?

The Supreme Court has just rejected that those who telework receive the transportation bonus. The thing came from the pandemic, in a struggle between unions and companies over the case of the employees of a telephone service company and the changes with the arrival of the virus.

A novelty that affects everyone: immediate transfers at a general level. Entities will have to offer them for free or at the same price as conventional ones. The decision has just passed through the European Parliament and Spain will have one year to apply it.