The agricultural unions UPA, Asaja and AGIM-COAG have called for a concentration of tractors for this quarter from 9 am on the accesses of Mercamadrid, but they have not been able to obtain authorization from the Government Department for slow movement of tractors on motorways access to the capital scheduled for the 20th.

This was stated yesterday in a press conference by the regional secretary of the Union of Small Farmers (UPA), Jesús Anchuelo, who stressed that, unlike the 6F Platform, its mobilizations are organized and are officially communicated to the authorities.

These mobilizations coincide with those carried out in other countries of the European Union and reflect “a notable general unrest due to the latest reforms in the Common Agricultural Policy and other European initiatives.”

“The Union of Small Farmers and Ranchers assumes its responsibility, with legal and orderly actions, concrete proposals for improvement that require urgent changes, with the best negotiating disposition and the assurance that the final result of the mobilizations will translate into agreements that facilitate the work and management on agricultural and livestock farms,” ??he stressed.

Their main demands are to achieve fair prices “that make the family exploitation model” viable, which is the majority in the Community of Madrid; and that all institutions enforce the Food Chain Law, “with stronger inspections and sanctions that really serve to protect the sector.”

This union demands, like others, common rules for all products marketed in the European Union. Therefore, they ask that ‘mirror clauses’ be applied to put an end to environmental dumping and social dumping. “We produce with strict health and environmental rules and we should not demand less from imports,” they point out.

It also requests that bureaucracy be “drastically” reduced and manual registration of documentation be allowed in all procedures.