This week begins with temperatures as high as the weekend, although on Friday they will plummet. The drop will be between 7 and 9 degrees and at the end of the week we will go from today’s highs, between 17 and 22 degrees, to temperatures that at noon will range between 10 and 14 degrees.

Until Thursday the sky will be cloudy, but without rain. On Thursday some showers will arrive, especially in the Pyrenees, and on Friday they will extend to parts of the regions of Girona and Barcelona.

Early in the morning, some light showers are expected towards the Pla de Lleida and also the northern face of the Pyrenees, with a snow level of around 2,000 meters. In the rest, the sun will alternate with bands of high clouds that will not bring too many consequences. The atmosphere will remain cool in the morning, with many temperatures between 7 and 12 degrees. Without intense cold.

During the afternoon the sun will remain cloudy due to the passage of high clouds and the north wind will blow strongly in the Alt Empordà. Temperatures will rise more than yesterday in the interior regions and, on the other hand, in the Pyrenees they will decline. In the rest they will remain unchanged with many maximums between 17 and 22 degrees. The atmosphere will remain very soft.

No major changes are expected before nightfall. The cloud bands will remain and the atmosphere will be cool but without extremes. A placid day is expected on Tuesday.

This article was originally published on RAC1.