The total number of Valencian companies spending on innovation in 2022 has been 20.57% higher than that corresponding to 2020, the last available reference year. In addition, total expenses on innovation have experienced an increase of 36.96% compared to 2020. These are the main conclusions of the INE’s “Survey on innovation in companies” in its results applied to the Valencian Community.

Of the innovation spending in 2022, 31.05% corresponds to internal R&D, and 1.91% to the acquisition of external R&D. The remaining 67.04% are other innovation expenses, among which is the labor cost of internal staff working on innovation, which represents 13.58% of the total; other current expenses such as services, materials and supplies, with a percentage of 5.58%; capital expenses, with 46.03%, and finally other innovation expenses not included in the previous items, with 1.85%.

The innovation intensity of companies based in the Valencian Community has been 1.05%, a percentage higher than the 0.95% registered at the national level. By sectors, the sector with the highest percentage of innovative companies is electrical, electronic, computer and optical materials and equipment with 62.92%, an investment of 42.4 million euros in innovative activities throughout 2022 and a innovation intensity of 2.95%, well above the global average intensity (1.05%).

The chemicals and pharmaceutical products and transport materials sectors also have a high percentage of innovative companies in the period 2020-2022; 61.23% and 52.57%, respectively. In the case of spending, the sectors that present the highest innovation intensities are electrical, electronic, computer and optical materials and equipment, with an intensity of 2.95%; that of machinery and equipment, with 2.15%; and chemistry and pharmaceutical products with 1.81%.

Startup Valencia will talk about innovation in companies today in Madrid, where it is attending to promote the Valencia Digital Summit event in the capital. In a round table in which innovation managers from Coca-Cola, VISA and Repsol will sit, they will analyze the impact of holding this type of technological meetings for large corporations and the promotion of open innovation with startups.

The association presents the conclusions of the socio-economic impact report of its event to strengthen its position as a benchmark event on the scale of other national meetings, such as the South Summit in Madrid or the 4YFN that, within the Mobile World Congress, will be held next week in Barcelona.