The pandemic left an indelible mark on our society and one of the most notable changes that is surely here to stay is teleworking. The latest data from the National Observatory of Technology and Society (ONTSI) indicate that more than 12% of employees in Spain use teleworking.

Working from home here is not only a widespread practice, but it has a notable quality compared to other countries. The latest digital nomad index ranking by Visa Guide places Spain as the country with the best job quality for employees who telework.

Spain is the best country in the world for these employees (4.5 points), according to the digital nomad index, by Visa Guide. They are followed by Argentina (3.72), Romania, UAE and Croatia.

This is a ranking that takes into account technical and social factors, which are fundamental when it comes to combining work and travel respectively: internet speed, tax policies and tax-free duration, cost of living in euros, global health score or tourist popularity, among others.

What makes Spain such a good country for teleworking? Giulia Miazzo HRBP Manager at PayFit is clear: “First of all, the geographical and cultural diversity of Spain gives employees the opportunity to experience a diverse, flexible environment adapted to their needs,” she explains.

The specialist states that “both the climate and the good communication between all the cities are two very positive points that allow workers to move throughout the Spanish territory” in addition to “enjoying the great gastronomic, tourist, cultural and leisure offer.” without ceasing to comply with work obligations.”

Another factor to take into account is “the connectivity of this country also has a high quality, which allows the staff to connect with their colleagues from almost anywhere.” Furthermore, the data shows that “teleworking works, employees have realized the advantages of teleworking in their lives and have responded by even increasing their productivity.”

In this sense, “it has served to convince management positions that it is good to apply teleworking in human resources planning” and that “it is being noticed that companies that do not offer teleworking are seeing how talent chooses other companies, since It is a point that candidates must take into account when choosing a job position.”

Miazzo has seen with his own eyes the efficiency of this modality: “At PayFit we are applying Work From Anywhere, which allows employees to take full advantage of the advantages of teleworking and at the same time, the presence, in our case, of an office in Barcelona, ​​which also facilitates the connection between team members who choose to work from different locations in Spain,” he highlights.

“Precisely for this reason, in 2022 we open a HUB in the Barcelona office where we host part of the team that works for the French and global market. In addition to the HUB in the PayFit Spain office, we have talent of various nationalities who work both for the Spanish market and for other markets in which we operate,” comments the expert.

On the other hand, Miazzo has stated that “flexible work policies allow employees to work from virtually anywhere” and that this “does not necessarily imply instability; In fact, companies seek to provide a solid and sustainable work environment, regardless of the geographical location of their employees,” although this also depends on their training.

The specialist concludes her analysis by stating that “teleworking is here to stay” and that although “there are positions and positions”, the trend is to go “towards a hybrid and flexible model, which allows employees to have greater flexibility in terms of teleworking.” , while maintaining face-to-face meetings with the aim of maintaining a certain work coexistence in order to strengthen relationships between team members, which is key to guaranteeing the success of flexibility.”